Sample-return Lunas (16, 20, 23, 24) models

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Sample-return Lunas (16, 20, 23, 24) models

Post #1by JackHiggins » 28.07.2003, 18:56

Hey all

Another set of models in the Luna series- it's the Sample Return Lunas!

Again, these models are 100% converted from the VRMLs at the russian Virtual Space museum (apart from the colours)

Lunas 16, 20, 23 & 24 were landers with a small core driller attached. They each took about 100 grams of lunar soil, and placed it in a capsule for return to the earth. The capsule was hermetically sealed on the moon, and launched back to earth usually about 20 hours or so after landing. All these missions were succesful apart from Luna 23. It was slightly damaged during landing & was unable to collect any samples. It did transmit radio signals for 3 days after landing though.

You can download these models, as well as an UPDATE for lunarlandingsites.ssc from my site :arrow:

But check out some screenshots first...
After landing:

After the return section departs (run time forward about a day after landing):

Enjoy! :D
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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