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Asteroid belt files

Posted: 27.07.2003, 18:04
by uzam

I'm new using Celestia and I think it's great!
I've downloaded a lot of addons I've found in different sites but I have a small problem: I've found ssc files with troyan asteroids, transneptunian objects, plutinos etc... but nothing about the main belt. I've read in this forum that there were some files in ( and I think) , but this web is not available now.

So... may anybody send me those files? My email is:

Thanks!! :)

(I don't know if my English is very good but... I'm Spanish) :wink:

Posted: 27.07.2003, 18:36
by abiogenesis
Done. These are pretty interesting files, so they should be mirrored somewhere. I haven't looked, so I don't know if they are. If they aren't, they should be.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

Posted: 27.07.2003, 18:55
by uzam
Thank you very much!
Yes, they are really good. I looked for them in a lot of sites but I couldn't get it, so... yes, somebody should mirror them.

I wonder if there were some other interesting addons in bruckner's web.

Posted: 27.07.2003, 19:02
by billybob884
would you mind sending them to me to?

Posted: 27.07.2003, 19:37
by abiogenesis
Sure, billybob. You have a website. Perhaps you could mirror them there.

- a b i o g e n e s i s -

Posted: 27.07.2003, 19:52
by billybob884
thats what i was gonna do

Posted: 27.07.2003, 21:03
by Gordon
About mirroring files, some others that where on Bruckner site (which are/were most of your broken links billybob) are now not available for dowload for new users . One exemple is the sputnik 1 model, a great great one. :(



Posted: 27.07.2003, 23:26
by Darkmiss
Ill zip it and put Sputnik up for download on my web site in a short while.

Although i have the files, but i don't have the original txt file for the credits.

I am surprised that Jack hasn't put this and the Saturn5 rocket, up on his site.
As he has a great collection of historical space craft, these are two of the biggest Historically.

Posted: 28.07.2003, 00:06
by Darkmiss
Okay its up for download on my web site
for all the newcomers to Celestia.

I even used your screenshot Gordon, for the thumb nail.

If anyone has the original zip file, could you post it, or the txt file to me.
so the author can get his credits.

Posted: 28.07.2003, 03:00
by billybob884
hmmm... i dont think i ever saw this model, who made it and where can i get it?

Posted: 28.07.2003, 09:53
by Jeam Tag
Darkmiss wrote:If anyone has the original zip file, could you post it, or the txt file to me.
so the author can get his credits.

Hello. i don't remember there is a .txt in the original zip. i think cr?dits were whith the descriptive notes on the Bruckner's pages.
Here is what i have added in the .ssc file:
# Spoutnik 1 par Klaus Gierloff

"Sputnik 1" "Sol/Earth"
# This file is only to show Sputnik 1 in space;
# the data are not approximately correct!
# Perigee 229 km
# Apogee 946 km
# Inclination 65.10
# Circulation 96.2 minutes
# are the correct dates
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "sputnik1.3ds"
Radius 0.0024

Period 0.0668
SemiMajorAxis 6865.5205
Eccentricity 0.0668
Inclination 65.1
AscendingNode 340.3821
ArgOfPericenter 58.0
MeanAnomaly 306.9536

Albedo 0.1 #?

If it can help

Posted: 28.07.2003, 12:55
by Darkmiss
billybob884 wrote:hmmm... i dont think i ever saw this model, who made it and where can i get it?

Hello Mike,
Just click my WWW button at the bottom of my reply.

Posted: 28.07.2003, 13:58
by Jeam Tag
Hello Mike,
Just click my WWW button at the bottom of my reply.[/quote]

Fine, Paul. I'll replace in my catalogu the Bruckner one by your site address for download of this add-on .