Ulysses trajectory experiment- extrapolated until 2199!!

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Ulysses trajectory experiment- extrapolated until 2199!!

Post #1by JackHiggins » 14.07.2003, 19:25

Hey All :D

My first "addon" for some time, this is more of an experiment really, that could even have a place in the Physics & Astronomy forum...

I recently investigated Horizons' "user-specified small bodies" option (press ; at the telnet prompt) and found it to be much more straightforward than i thought it would be! Just as a test, I took the very last coords for Ulysses (Dec. 31st 2005, at 21:00) and used them as a base for the -future- ulysses trajectory.

(I used MA, A instead of TP, QR also because the latter seemed to produce very strange results the first time...)

So heres what the trajectory looks like between 2003-jan-1st and 2199 dec-31st (looking from below the sun):

Yup, you guessed it... Another -predicted- close flyby of Jupiter in 2094 sends it on a much less eccentric orbit, slightly larger than jupiter's own, and inclined about 110 degrees from the ecliptic!

This is something like how a satellite gets put into a geostationary orbit too, except that in that case a rocket motor fires at apogee, instead of a handy gravity boost from Jupiter...

You can download this xyz from here http://homepage.eircom.net/~jackcelesti ... future.zip
(Haven't got the time to change my site at the mo...)

Hope you found this interesting!!! :D
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
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Post #2by JackHiggins » 15.07.2003, 19:10

Hm... 42 views so far & no replies yet... I thought that people would be very interested in Horizons' ability to predict the trajectories of user-inputted bodies...! :?

Anyone have any comments, or tried this this themselves in Horizons?!!

PS. Its in 2098 that the big gravity boost happens not 2094...
- Jack Higgins

Jack's Celestia Add-ons

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Post #3by jamarsa » 15.07.2003, 19:41

At 2199 we could well be offering tourist travels to see 'Old Relics from the Ancient Space Times' the same way we visit cavern paintings... :wink:

Good work!

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Post #4by chris » 16.07.2003, 06:43

That's very cool Jack . . . I didn't know Horizons would handle custom objects. Do you know what solar system bodies are accounted for when the trajectory is integrated over time?


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Post #5by Calculus » 16.07.2003, 13:14

JackHiggins wrote:Hm... 42 views so far & no replies yet... I thought that people would be very interested in Horizons' ability to predict the trajectories of user-inputted bodies...! :?

Anyone have any comments, or tried this this themselves in Horizons?!!

PS. Its in 2098 that the big gravity boost happens not 2094...

Very interesting. I'll try myself. Thanks
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Post #6by JackHiggins » 16.07.2003, 19:24

chris wrote:That's very cool Jack . . . I didn't know Horizons would handle custom objects. Do you know what solar system bodies are accounted for when the trajectory is integrated over time?

As far as I can tell, all "major bodies" gravitational effects are taken into account, so that means all the planets & moons, ceres, pallas & vesta. (those 3 asteroids are labelled as "minor perturbers" though)
The full horizons documentation is here:

I remember some people wanted to try this out themselves before but weren't sure what to do- the Horizons system was updated recently so maybe they changed the way you input your own elements....
- Jack Higgins

Jack's Celestia Add-ons

And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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