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HD 41004 system

Posted: 09.07.2003, 14:04
by BillC
I had some fun putting this together, see what you think. Sorry about the cut-and-paste, I don't have a website for downloading add-ons. Paste this into a SSC file and put it in your Extras folder. I have a small text file describing how I arrived at these numbers - I'd love to have a real scientist check my reasoning (and my math!). I'll email it to whoever wants it, or post it here if you think that's appropriate. Thanks.


# HD 41004
# A quadruple system: a jupiter-like planet orbits a K2V star,
# which is bound to a M4V star and brown dwarf pair.

# The K star, HD 41004, is designated Aa; its planet is Ab:

"Ab" "HD 41004"
Texture "jupiterlike.jpg"
Mass 730
Radius 67000
Oblateness 0.05 # guess
Albedo 0.6 # guess

InfoURL ""

EllipticalOrbit {
Period 1.793
SemiMajorAxis 1.31
Eccentricity 0.39
Inclination 69.3
AscendingNode 180
MeanAnomaly 60 # guess

Obliquity -69.3

# The M companion star:

"Ba" "HD 41004"
Texture "mstar.jpg"
Radius 271000 # 0.39 rSun
Emissive true
Color [ 1 0.5 0.5 ]
Oblateness 0.03 # guess

InfoURL ""

EllipticalOrbit {
Period 107.2
SemiMajorAxis 23.29 # minimum
Eccentricity 0.01 # guess
Inclination 69.3
AscendingNode 180
MeanAnomaly 170 # guess

RotationPeriod 240 # guess
Obliquity -69.3

Atmosphere {
Height 200000
Lower [ 1 0.5 0.5 ]
Upper [ 1 1 1 ]

# The brown dwarf:

"Bb" "HD 41004/Ba"
Texture "browndwarf.jpg"
Radius 70000 # guess
Color [ 0.4 0.4 0 ]
Emissive true
Oblateness 0.08 # guess

EllipticalOrbit {
Period 1.33
SemiMajorAxis 2650000 # 0.0177 AU
Eccentricity 0.065

RotationPeriod 31.9 # guess