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3D MODEL ADD-ON: Borg Cube

Posted: 01.07.2003, 21:20
by Borg Collective
We are a model of a Borg Cube, improved compared to the last one.
It requires some modifications with textures (undetermined) and conversion of a 3D Model Type.

Download Link is provided here:

>>> <<<

Posted: 01.07.2003, 21:30
by JackHiggins

We are a model of a Borg Cube

That's surprising... So what format are you- VRML? 3ds? Do you come with an ssc?

What format is a .x file? (in the zip) It'd b easier for people to help if you gave us a bit more info...

Posted: 02.07.2003, 02:29
by Borg Collective
*.x is a DirectX 3D Model.
It does not contain SSC file.
Textures are in DDS format.