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DeathStar and Tie Fighters

Posted: 27.06.2003, 05:00
by fsgregs
HI Folks:

Some time ago, someone (sorry - I forgot who), put a great model of the DeathStar from Star Wars onto the forum. Recently, I came across some great meshes of tie fighters, and with Grant's help, I've been able to place up to six of them in orbit around the DeathStar, which I've placed orbiting the planet Tatooine. Here are two screenshots:



You can download them and the ssc file at my website at:

Just unzip to your Extras file and go to Rho CrB. Enjoy.


Re: DeathStar and Tie Fighters

Posted: 27.06.2003, 08:53
by Jeam Tag
fsgregs wrote:HI Folks:
Some time ago, someone (sorry - I forgot who), put a great model of the DeathStar from Star Wars onto the forum. Recently, I came across some great meshes of tie fighters, and with Grant's help, I've been able to place up to six of them in orbit around the DeathStar, which I've placed orbiting the planet Tatooine

good work.
I have noticed in my little catalogue some models of Tie fighter and Tie Interceptor (with or without pilots) by
James R. Bassett
witch are working fine in Celestia.


Not there

Posted: 25.07.2003, 04:59
by Star Lion
I do not see a link to the ti fighters, or the death star!
We cant downloud if we cant finde