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Salyut 7 ssc & model

Posted: 26.06.2003, 21:47
by JackHiggins
Hey all

As promised- earlier- here is my Salyut 7 model & ssc! The ssc is from Celestrak circa early 1988 (Dunno what day...)

Anyway download from the spacecraft page on but look at the screenshots first...


Enjoy!! :D

Posted: 26.06.2003, 22:53
Jack, it's wonderful, as usual.
Thank you again, and again, and again, and.....


Posted: 27.06.2003, 23:08
by bh
Jack...fantastic model.

I love Shroxs' SkyLab model and this is there!...I love the solar panels. How do you do these models so quick? Guinness? Thanks for your help on the shuttle btw.

Posted: 28.06.2003, 21:09
Brilliant model!

How do you do these models so quick? Guinness?

I reckon its more likely to be Murphys, I thought it was even better than Guinness when I visited Cork about 7 years ago!

Anyway, it's great seeing more Russian craft in CELESTIA.

Something else I'd really like to see is the historic APOLLO-SOYUZ test project of July 1975 when the Americans and Russians docked in space.
This could be an interesting project for you Jack!?

Posted: 28.06.2003, 22:04
by Jeam Tag
TERRIER wrote:Brilliant model!
Something else I'd really like to see is the historic APOLLO-SOYUZ test project of July 1975 when the Americans and Russians docked in space.

I agree with this request: the Historic Encounters, with planets, comets, but also between Human Beings are marked the humble Human discovers and practices of space, will be great "pictures" in Celestia, don't they?
Appollo-Soyouz encouter was just a politic stuff, but there was, and it is important: i remenber the hopes that it will supposed, and i've believed in it when it appears on my tv screen!
Jeam, na?ve man....

Posted: 28.06.2003, 22:12
by ElPelado
the apollo on that encounter, also traveled to the moon??

Posted: 28.06.2003, 23:21
by Jeam Tag
ElPelado wrote:the apollo on that encounter, also traveled to the moon??

No, This was just an earth-orbit encounter of technologies; the Apollo/Lunar programm was off, at this time ...........
You can read an alternate, fictionous another one in the "Voyage" book by Stephen Baxter [the Apollo programm continues on Mars (The Technology offer the purchase of the space programm, really) it is a remarquable Uchronia]
The Apollo-Soyouz Rendezvous was just a test, a symbol, alas...
But, the continuation was the collaboration on MIR, and today, the ISS... maybe real GREAT projects, later...
Jeam Tag

Posted: 29.06.2003, 00:09
by bh
I have quite a nice Soyuz model and two great models of the Apollo csm (one from Shrox-where is he?... and jrobert). My modelling skills aren't great...I've got to model the Canadarm for my shuttle model. If I can pull that off then I'm on the way...

There's a great pic of this encounter at Shrox's site:

Have a look at his artwork...really inspiring stufff!

Posted: 29.06.2003, 00:33
by JackHiggins
TERRIER wrote:I reckon its more likely to be Murphys, I thought it was even better than Guinness when I visited Cork about 7 years ago!

FINALLY, someone picks up on the "People's Republic of Cork" location... :D My dad actually works in the murphys brewery!

ElPelado wrote:the apollo on that encounter, also traveled to the moon??
The ASTP (Apollo-Soyuz Test Project) happened after the end of Skylab even, it was waaay after the end of the moon program! They didn't even use a saturn V to launch it, it was a saturn 1B

bh wrote:I have quite a nice Soyuz model and two great models of the Apollo csm (one from Shrox-where is he?... and jrobert). My modelling skills aren't great...I've got to model the Canadarm for my shuttle model. If I can pull that off then I'm on the way...

There's a great pic of this encounter at Shrox's site:

Have a look at his artwork...really inspiring stufff!

Send me on your soyuz model will you? I already have an Apollo so don't need that... I was going to make my own soyuz & progress to stick onto Salyut, but didn't get around to it!

Yeah Shrox seems to have dissapeared hes been gone for ages- he did a nice tribute to the Columbia astronauts though very dramatic..

Posted: 29.06.2003, 06:19
by ElPelado
what tribute did he do???

Posted: 29.06.2003, 07:58
by Darkmiss

Re: Salyut 7 ssc & model

Posted: 01.07.2003, 13:53
JackHiggins wrote:Hey all
As promised- earlier- here is my Salyut 7 model & ssc! The ssc is from Celestrak circa early 1988 (Dunno what day...)
Enjoy!! :D

Jack, do you have any wish/intention to make an astounding model of the MIR plus Shuttle, based on the VRML Russian images?
By and thank you.


Re: Salyut 7 ssc & model

Posted: 01.07.2003, 17:54
by JackHiggins
ANDREA wrote:
JackHiggins wrote:Hey all
As promised- earlier- here is my Salyut 7 model & ssc! The ssc is from Celestrak circa early 1988 (Dunno what day...)
Enjoy!! :D

Jack, do you have any wish/intention to make an astounding model of the MIR plus Shuttle, based on the VRML Russian images?
By and thank you.


Andrea, I'd love to convert that model to 3ds & improve on it, BUT, there's an error in that, and the other mir vrml model, so I can't load them... I have the cortona vrml viewer so if anyone knows about errors that say,32) : float expected

then get back to me...

(Sorry- but nothing I can do!)

Posted: 01.07.2003, 19:09
by Gordon

i think i found the error in the vrml.

you need to edit the vrml as a text file and modify it. To find what to modify :
1/ search for the word translation
2/ if the translation is defined with only 2 figures then add a 0 (2 are like this in the file)
3/ save and it should work. If you don't find I can send it to you.

All my 'gratitude' for your models Jack.


Posted: 01.07.2003, 21:10
by JackHiggins

That's great I just tried it with the Mir only model- works perfectly! I'll email the guy who runs that site to tell him about it...

Updated mir model coming soon- maybe- probably....

(Also several other models that I couldn't get working before)


Posted: 01.07.2003, 22:16
Gordon wrote:hello, i think i found the error in the vrml.
you need to edit the vrml as a text file and modify it. To find what to modify :
1/ search for the word translation
2/ if the translation is defined with only 2 figures then add a 0 (2 are like this in the file)
3/ save and it should work. If you don't find I can send it to you.

Hello Gordon, wonderful information!
This means that Jack will have the possibility to make some other incredible model.
Thank you very much for your help.


Posted: 02.07.2003, 18:06
by Gordon
This means that Jack will have the possibility to make some other incredible model.

yep ! that's why I did it ! :lol:
