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74 3D models of russians spacecraft !

Posted: 24.06.2003, 14:03
by Gordon

as I was searching for the sputnik add-on (which is yet lost as it was on Bruckner hub) I found a Aklexander Chernov site wich as 74 russians spacecraft models. They are in VRML but it seems easy to convert them in 3ds for Celestia. I am not good at all in those 3d thinks (so many options !) but I was able to see these some of this models in celestia : great !

Here is the link :



Posted: 24.06.2003, 16:45
by billybob884
you've found hte mother load!!!

Posted: 24.06.2003, 21:00
by JackHiggins
MAN...!!! :D That page has everything!!

I'm actually working on a Salyut 7 model at the moment (It's the only one Celestrak has orbital elements for)- hopefully i can improve it with these new models... (I'm just downloading a VRML viewer now...)

Posted: 24.06.2003, 22:14
by Gordon
Very happy that impressed you ! :P (In fact i really thaught you already knew about this page).

I was able to convert VRML to 3DS with 3D studio max but some textures render "transparent" in Celestia... :?

For positionning, as in the NSSDC site there are some informations isn't it possible to recalculate what the travel could have been ? it would be better than nothing ?

an example with venera 1 :

and thx again for your add-ons.
