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Project Thunderclap - DEAD

Posted: 18.07.2022, 23:05
by MrSpace43
I am proud to announce that I am starting my own collaborative worldbuilding project called "Project Thunderclap." This project will be located in the Andromeda galaxy, and will have an update on Saturday, once every 2 weeks (Updates to old systems like new textures or new monor moons are allowed). Every star that is created will be given a designation, which is PTC-##, with the "##" part representing the user who made it, and the number which represents the order they were created (similar to CelWP). By the way I call dibs on P for my designation.

The first release of Project Thunderclap will be on July 30, 2022.

Posted: 19.07.2022, 14:20
by trappistplanets
so for names, its like this (if a system is by me)?

Posted: 19.07.2022, 18:27
by MrSpace43
No, if a system was made by you, your designation would be “PTC-TP1” or “PTC-J1,” not “PTC-TP 1,” because there are no spaces in this part of the designation.

Posted: 29.07.2022, 16:04
by MrSpace43
The first release of PTC is expected to release tomorrow, so if you have any systems, be sure to finish them up and to DM them to me.

Added after 11 hours 55 minutes:
Update: The first release is going to be pushed back by a few days due to me not completing my systems. That means you have some more time to work on your systems now.

Posted: 14.08.2022, 03:31
by MrSpace43
Ok after accidentally forgetting about this project, I'm here to say that I have resumed progress on my systems for PTC, and I hopefully should be able to upload the first release of PTC within a few days or so.