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How to attach files

Posted: 12.07.2022, 06:22
by Astronauta
Can anyone of you tell me how to send attachments here? because for me it seems not to have this option, and I really wanted this option to make it easier when I send an addon. :think: :help:

Posted: 12.07.2022, 14:15
by SevenSpheres
Here's a link to the last time I described how to do this.

I've renamed this thread from "about this" to a more descriptive name.

Posted: 12.07.2022, 17:51
by Astronauta
Thank you

Posted: 13.07.2022, 03:43
by Sirius_Alpha
This is something I encountered as well. New accounts don't have the ability to attach images, apparently, but the restriction is lifted soon afterwards.

Posted: 04.02.2023, 07:48
by Karistus_
Do you know how long until said restriction is lifted?

Posted: 04.02.2023, 12:42
by DaveBowman2001
Karistus_ wrote:Do you know how long until said restriction is lifted?
If I remember correctly, when a user has posted at least three admin-approved posts