Celestia Worldbuilding Project

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Celestia Worldbuilding Project

Post #1by Lafuente_Astronomy » 28.03.2020, 01:39

Deleted posts archived here.

(Edited due to new changes)

Greetings to all Celestians!

This project has been revealed to us before but it was deemed not capable of being fulfilled because of a lot of problems that members have encountered. So, we have deliberated on the future of the project, until we have settled on it. So now, allow me to unveil to you: The new Celestia Worldbuilding Project!

This new version of the project will not anymore be based on an entirely fictional galaxy in a void universe but rather, on a real object: The Triangulum Galaxy, or Messier 33, the third-largest galaxy in the Local Group, and while it does not have a lot of stars, it is rich in nebulae, particularly H II regions, and as such, creativity for objects other than stars and planets is welcome as well.

The website for the project can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/celestiaworldbuildingproject/home
Credits to fyr02 for making the website.
There is now a wiki as well, which can be found here: https://celwp.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page

And to kick off this new project, allow me to "cut the ribbon" by making and show the very first addon to be made for this project. Presenting to you: The Triangulum Galaxy Central Black Hole!

M33 CBH 4.jpg

M33 CBH 2.jpg

M33 CBH 6.jpg

Download here:
Triangulum Galaxy Central Black Hole.rar
(13.62 MiB) Downloaded 1238 times

The fixes are already mentioned in my addon topic. But for easier access, let me repost it here as well:

Fixes: Fixed the Inclination and ArgOfPericenter of the Black Hole and its component disks. It should now be on the same plane as the Triangulum Galaxy itself. I also reduced the ridiculously fast orbital periods of the disk(Far too ridiculous for even the fastest spinning black holes, that is), especially those farther away from it. They should now be slower. I also reduced the AbsMag of the black hole. It was an artifact that came over when I made a copy of my 3C 273 addon and remade it into the M33 addon you see today

Credits to SevenSpheres, pedro_jg, LukeCEL anf fyr02 for helping me point out those problems with the addon. Again, if there are more problems, feel free to let me know
Last edited by SevenSpheres on 26.06.2020, 15:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #2by SevenSpheres » 28.03.2020, 01:47

With all the strife caused by the CelWP both here and on Discord (and I apologize for being a major part of those arguments), I'm really more interested in seeing the stellar distributions for galaxies and the NGC 604 sprite model that will be coming...

Anyway, on to the worldbuilding!

(Also, the black hole isn't black in Lafuente's screenshots due to this bug in Celestia 1.7.0 that I would really like to see fixed.)
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #3by Lafuente_Astronomy » 28.03.2020, 01:56

SevenSpheres wrote:With all the strife caused by the CelWP both here and on Discord (and I apologize for being a major part of those arguments), I'm really more interested in seeing the stellar distributions for galaxies and the NGC 604 sprite model that will be coming...

Anyway, on to the worldbuilding!

Well, as much as we both hate it, arguments are a fact of life. They may happen again but the best we can do is learn the lessons and forgive and forget afterwards. This will also ensure that the bond will be stronger than ever. So yes, let us enjoy the worldbuilding
Official Administrator of the Celestia Discord Server.
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Post #4by fyr02 » 28.03.2020, 02:07

CelWP Release 1
March 28th 2020

3 systems were added with a total of 3 planets.
Download {11.3 MB}

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Post #5by SevenSpheres » 02.04.2020, 23:48

Here's my sort-of contribution to the CelWP: the real high-mass X-ray binary system M33 X-7. Download here: M33 X-7.zip (I've also added that link to the first post of my addons thread). If you have Luke's Triangulum Galaxy stc file, make sure it's loaded before this addon (for instance, I have all Luke's extragalactic stars in a folder called "Extragalactic stars", which is loaded before "M33 X-7").

Maybe some sophonts who live nearby can explore this system. :wink:


Added after 1 hour 52 minutes:
For some reason, Lafuente_Astronomy has just deleted the first four posts of this thread with absolutely no prior discussion, so the beginning of CelWP is no longer documented and the original addon files are no longer available. These posts should not have been deleted as they were not spam. This may warrant the removal of Lafuente's Moderator role. Eh, whatever

Added after 1 minute 23 seconds:
Here are the two old addon packs made by me: CELcollab Base Pack.zip; CELcollab - Oculus.zip
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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Post #6by fyr02 » 11.04.2020, 02:28

CelWP Release 2
April 11th 2020

4 systems were added with a total of 9 planets, 1 dwarf planet, 7 moons, and 378 asteroids.
Download {78.5 MB}

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Post #7by fyr02 » 25.04.2020, 22:30

CelWP Release 3
April 25th 2020

1 system was added with a total of 1 planet.
Download {16.1 MB}

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Post #8by fyr02 » 25.04.2020, 22:35

CelWP AutoGen Stars

Adds over 600,000 stars! Thanks to Gurren Lagann for generating the stc file.
Download {21.6 MB}

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Post #9by fyr02 » 10.05.2020, 01:16

CelWP Release 4
May 9th 2020

1 system was added with a total of 1 planet.
Download {10.8 MB}
Last edited by fyr02 on 21.06.2020, 02:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #10by jujuapapa » 10.05.2020, 05:56

Nice paradise ! :clap:
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Post #11by TheLostProbe » 14.05.2020, 01:13

I have to finish my fictional system lol
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Post #12by fyr02 » 23.05.2020, 22:57

CelWP Release 5
May 23rd 2020

4 systems were added with a total of 19 planets, 4 moons, and 1 comet.
Download {127.2 MB}
Last edited by fyr02 on 21.06.2020, 02:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #13by fyr02 » 06.06.2020, 23:40

CelWP Release 6
June 6th 2020

11 systems were added with a total of 23 planets, 21 moons, and 1 comet.
Download {178 MB}
Last edited by fyr02 on 21.06.2020, 02:57, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #14by MrSpace43 » 13.06.2020, 23:22

News for those who don't know, I'm now a part of this project! My CelWP designation will be "PK," and I'm currently working on my first star system!
Been into Astronomy since the age of 3 or 4. Started making planetary textures back in late 2016. 3D animator who makes high quality animations in Cinema 4D.

My addons page: https://celestiaproject.space/forum/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=22167

Diigg M
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Post #15by Diigg » 14.06.2020, 13:31

Hello, I have two questions about these addons.

1. Are the releases cumulative? That is, the last one also contains all the previous ones? Or do you have to download each one and install them all?

2. On the other hand. Is it compatible with the Celestia Origin package?
Can they be installed, copying the addon folder to the extras folder simply or do you have to make an adjustment in a file so that everything works correctly?

Thank you

Gurren Lagann
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Post #16by Gurren Lagann » 14.06.2020, 15:25

1. Due to weak bandwidth still existing, the releases arent cumulative. You still have to download the releases one by one (unless i compile everything into a single file).

2. I'm not a common CO user, but its probs compatible with it.
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Post #17by SevenSpheres » 14.06.2020, 16:53

Diigg wrote:2. On the other hand. Is it compatible with the Celestia Origin package?
Can they be installed, copying the addon folder to the extras folder simply or do you have to make an adjustment in a file so that everything works correctly?

Yes, since all the systems in CelWP are entirely fictional, they're all compatible with Celestia Origin. They can be installed by just putting the addon folder in extras. The one exception is my M33 X-7 addon, which is a real system and needs to be loaded after CO's folder "stars_outside_the_milky_way".
My Addons: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=19978 • Discord server admin
Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

The Minmus Derp
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Post #18by The Minmus Derp » 15.06.2020, 21:38

For anyone who doesn't know - I have also joined the project! I have begun work on the Verai System, a binary star consisting of a B-type star and an late K-type star.

Verai A.png
Verai A, the B-type star
Verai A.png (74.84 KiB) Viewed 26850 times

Verai B.png
Verai B, the M-type star with huge sunspots
Verai B.png (55.45 KiB) Viewed 26850 times

Verai Orbits.png
Their orbits around the barycenter
Verai Orbits.png (13.45 KiB) Viewed 26850 times

Location in the triangulum galaxy
LocationInTriangulumGalaxy.png (60.66 KiB) Viewed 26850 times

Verai next to Jetru.png
It is 1.5411 ly from Jetru, a previously added star.
Verai next to Jetru.png (7.19 KiB) Viewed 26850 times

Trolligi 112477
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Some things I'm working on

Post #19by Trolligi 112477 » 16.06.2020, 11:23

I've also been contributing to release 6 and now release 7. I will be making:

A stellar association (coupled with a supernova remnant)
A small quasar
Some things in the magellanic stream
And a quadruple star system, among other things

some screenshots:
Rocky moon
Lava moon orbiting gas giant
Asteroid moon
Young star with protoplanetary disk
no more science papers

Trolligi 112477
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Post #20by Trolligi 112477 » 17.06.2020, 10:31

I am deliberately concealing most of the stuff I've made. Should I reveal more?

Added after 10 minutes 11 seconds:
I'll reveal a little more.


A star system very similar to HM Cancri.


A purple supernova remnant nebula which is the location of the stellar association I mentioned earlier.


The neutron star remnant of the progenitor of that nebula.


Remastered the disk (It's not smaller)
no more science papers

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