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Request: Antares (updated):

Posted: 30.11.2017, 04:24
by Joey P.
Could someone create an .stc that updates Antares to have the new artistic texture as well as Antares' blue star companion?

I already have the texture file:

Please take the information needed from

(note: do NOT include the nebula as I have another addon that includes it. I will upload the finished file to Celestia Motherlode.)

Thank you, Joey p.

Posted: 30.11.2017, 21:53
by selden
The stc is quite simple:

Code: Select all

Modify "Antares" { Texture "antares.*" }

See the addon that I've included below.

Unfortunately, though, there are some problems with the surface texture image: it should be a power of two on a side and twice as wide as it is tall (e.g. 2048x1024 instead of 2000x964) and it needs to be an "equirectangular" projection. As it is now, it results in a "polar pinch" of the star's surface. See below.

(211.83 KiB) Downloaded 240 times

Posted: 01.12.2017, 03:07
by Joey P.
Doesn't matter; thank you.

Joey p.

Posted: 02.12.2017, 21:25
by John Van Vliet
here is a remapped and corected copy of that star texture
2k map

512 preview

Posted: 07.12.2017, 18:10
by Joey P.
John Van Vliet wrote: here is a remapped and corected copy of that star texture

When I tried to replace the existing texture with the new one, it would not work. Do you know how to fix it?

Posted: 07.12.2017, 18:13
by selden
Make sure you're using the correct file name: either rename the jpg or edit your .STC file.

Except for that minor glitch it worked fine for me.

Posted: 07.12.2017, 18:19
by Joey P.
Still doesn't work, there might be a bug, but I think it could be OK.

Added after 11 minutes 46 seconds:
Anyway, where is the type B companion? There is no addon in the motherlode that includes it.

Posted: 07.12.2017, 20:58
by selden
Here's a crude addon. I had problems finding good values for orbital parameters.
(2.37 MiB) Downloaded 223 times

Posted: 08.12.2017, 02:25
by Joey P.
Thanks. - Joey P.

Posted: 08.12.2017, 21:50
by John Van Vliet
what minor glitch for "antares1.png"

it is a normal everyday sRGB png image

Posted: 08.12.2017, 21:59
by selden
The minor glitch was in the .stc, not in your image, which is fine.

The texture specified in the Antares .stc was "antares.*" so in the updated Addon, I renamed your image to match.