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Omega Galaxy

Posted: 30.05.2013, 05:10
by omega13a
This is a work in progress and I don't recommend this add on if your computer can't handle Cham's 1,000,000 stars add-on.

This add-on basically is a galaxy that currently has over 1,000,000 stars, most of which are in a sphere that is 2,000 light years across.


The galaxy is still a work in progress. I would really like to make it a ringed galaxy but I don't know how to generate the stars for a ring... Any help with that would be greatly appreciated. :D

Instead of having one big zip file for you all to download, I broke it up into smaller ones based on star types. The basic package contains the brightest stars as well as the galaxy info and is required if you choose to use the other zip packages. ... (required) ... ... ... ... ... (please note I have defined sun-like as any star that is 4 to 0.25 times as bright as the sun. In my expirence with a solar system generator called stargen, stars of that brightness have the highest probabilty of having an Earth-like planet.)

I also have a website associated with this galaxy: ... /index.php

I'm currently adding planets around some of the stars. The stars that have planets (currently only one) are listed first.

Re: Omega Galaxy

Posted: 30.05.2013, 18:02
by omega13a
I have no problem downloading right now. Sometime last night the server restarted at least once do to a possible DOS attack... :?

Re: Omega Galaxy

Posted: 11.06.2013, 03:31
by PlutonianEmpire
Links are dead (again?). :?

Re: Omega Galaxy

Posted: 11.06.2013, 18:32
by omega13a
Given the problems with the server overloading due to insane surges in traffic lately, I've set my server to restart the nginx and php-fpm services (which is a lot fast then a system reboot. Things would be back to normal in 15-20 seconds) every fifteen minutes. Judging by the time PlutonianEmpire's post was made, I would say the down time was most like that. These restarts occure on the hour, 15 minutes after the hour, 30 minutes after the hour, and 15 minutes to the hour. Please keep that in mind before reporting down time.

Re: Omega Galaxy

Posted: 11.06.2013, 19:14
by John Van Vliet
--- edit----

Re: Omega Galaxy

Posted: 11.06.2013, 20:01
by omega13a
Its not a full reboot. Its more like closing one or two programs and opening them up again.