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New addon in the work

Posted: 15.02.2013, 20:00
by Cham
Since an interesting experiment I made this morning, I'm developping a new addon with sprites based models.

Three stars are located inside the NGC 404 galaxy (see the stellar distribution that I published there : viewtopic.php?f=23&t=16626). These stars aren't part of the stellar distribution that I published, so both addons are independant of each other.

Here's a preview of the stars inside that galaxy, distributed in a region of a few light years. They are part of a large "primordial" nebula (not shown yet).

For the moment, they are G1 stars, and I don't know yet which kind of stars they should be (any suggestion ? Spectral class, size, ...).

There's an accretion disk, jets and a gaz bubble around each one of them, like this (click on the picts to get a larger view) :


The frame rate may be a bit slow in Celestia, depending on the view. Adding the large "primordial" nebula will certainly have a large impact on frame rate. So I'm not sure I'll keep it in the final addon.

I'll probably release a test (beta) version tonight or tomorrow.

Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 16.02.2013, 01:09
by Cham
I'm back home, and the addon is already almost finished. I'll try adding the "primordial" nebula.
Three previews :




Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 16.02.2013, 01:50
by Cham
Here's a beta version for you to test. Tell me what you think... ... (4.8MB zip file)

The three stars are named "St proto A", "St proto B" and "St proto C".

Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 16.02.2013, 03:35
by selden
They look great! And I get a reasonable performance looking at them on my laptop.

Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 16.02.2013, 05:49
by Fenerit
Very fast on my (old) system. Beautiful. 8) I've seen pointsize are centesimals: do you have tried with lesser values? It is faster even with more points (to map the reduced areas)?


Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 17.02.2013, 18:09
by jogad

I have a problem with this addon:
This is St Proto A at different distances

I can see only points but no glow at all :(





Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 17.02.2013, 19:08
by Cham
You need to use the OpenGL 2 render path for the sprites. Try control-V several times until you get the proper rendering path.
Or maybe your video card is too old, or need a driver update ?

Sprites are pretty standard, now.

Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 17.02.2013, 19:36
by Cham
olyv wrote:I think that opengl 2 doen't work on ATI cards. :(

On my old Mac G5 with an ATI card (now defunct), sprites were working. I believe you need a driver update.

Today, even with AMD (ATI) cards, sprites are a standard technique.

Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 17.02.2013, 20:04
by jogad
Oh, sorry :oops:
Stupid me! The open GL2 was not active. :oops: :oops:

The addon works as expected, with beautiful colors, and with no impact on the framerate :D

Very nice

Re: New addon in the work

Posted: 24.02.2013, 15:40
by Cham
I edited the shell model for the third system (St proto C). The nebula was too blurry. I strongly suggest that you use this new version instead (details are less blurry) :

Just replace the old file by this one. It's the same model except that I reduced the individual sprite size to 75% (and increased the global opacity a bit). Here's a comparison of both models :

Previous version

New version