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This is Frustrating

Posted: 24.01.2012, 18:48
by thepyratecaptain
So many different 3d mesh file outputs, so little time, Ok, i was wondering ,"Yet Again" why are there so many different MESH file types? cant stick with one?
LOL The Problems i am having are simple, Most information on the Net is false, (Not suprising) I was tinkering with a model, (Or so I thought,) and I found issues with it, ... on-version

dont know if your gonna be able to see it or dl it, but its in DAE format, and i have tried converters, to no avail, is there a simple way to get it to 3ds format? or does this involve money....

Scratching his head.....

(BTW if you need a file to look at, I.E. Cant download it, I can email it to you...)


Re: This is Frustrating

Posted: 24.01.2012, 19:13
by selden
Have you tried the trial version of Sketchup Pro?

Re: This is Frustrating

Posted: 24.01.2012, 19:20
by selden
An import script for Blender is available for Collada's dae format. Scripts are also available to export 3DS and CMOD format. Blender is free. The import and export scripts are available separately. I've never tried them.

Re: This is Frustrating

Posted: 25.01.2012, 00:37
by John Van Vliet
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