Here are some related web-pages: (New Horizons Web Site)
And here's the .ssc-code (made during the coffee break...):
Code: Select all
"" "Sol" # Pluto
Class "dwarfplanet"
Texture "pluto.*" # be sure to have a texture "pluto.*" in your "textures" directory
SpecularColor [ 0.135 0.12 0.08 ]
SpecularPower 9.5
Color [ 0.4 0.5 0.4 ]
HazeColor [ 0.04 0.05 0.04]
HazeDensity 0.64
Radius 1152 # 1151
Beginning 2440911.91961 # 1970
Ending 2455156.92115 # 2009
Atmosphere {
Height 1024
Lower [ 0.06 0.07 0.064 ]
Upper [ 0.04 0.05 0.04 ]
Sky [ 0.04 0.04 0.05 ]
Sunset [ 0.2 0.2 0.1 ]
Mie 0.00000064 # f?r OpenGL2
MieAsymmetry -0.29
Rayleigh [ 0.0000000029 0.00000056 0.00000043 ]
Absorption [ 0.0000001 0.000015 0.00006 ]
MieScaleHeight 1111
OrbitFrame {
EquatorJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto-Charon" }
BodyFrame {
EclipticJ2000 { Center "Sol/Pluto-Charon" }
Epoch 2452600.5 # 2002 Nov 22
Period 6.387206 # mean
SemiMajorAxis 2043.1 # mass ratio of 0.1166
Eccentricity 0.003484 # mean
Inclination 96.1680 # mean
AscendingNode 223.0539 # mean
ArgOfPericenter 337.92 # mean
MeanLongitude 77.960
Period 153.292944
Inclination 115.60
AscendingNode 228.34
MeridianAngle 320.75
Albedo 0.64 # 0.55
Note: You have to set the time values between the years 1970 and 2009!
(If you can't see anything, then the add-on works well because Pluto's atmosphere is very thin. See pictures below)
Please click for a better view - animated .gif's....
The add-on should be only a complementary aspect. Just for the completeness...