Fenerit wrote:Now the point. Lets consider the coordinates plug-in, just in the part concerning the coordinates (long/lat) without deal with the compass' animation and the azimuth/elev. Such plug-in get the coordinates by referring it to center of the screen. Now, if we add a PNG image of a sight, a pinhole, a target centered on screen, we should know the subpoint with more precision. Now suppose that to such PNG let be assigned the clickable propriety of saving (appending) in a TXT file (like your slideshow) the coordinates points, so to have a set of coordinates in tabular form. You will say: "and then?". Well, this is an easy way to build wireframe CMODs! Such a plug-in is both informative as a 3D tool with lots of utility, because what is now possible for the Earth once downloaded a dataset, should be possible even for other planets. One could say about of its scientificity, but should be the most scientific-like than nothing, isn't? And just to mark some features, with generic, educational purposes. The coordinates' set would have the form (within the text file) like:A proposito, what was the suggestion
LONGITUDE LATITUDE (or the converse, no matter, is based on which strings one do write before)
42.675 102.568 (the float precision is matter of taste )
43.568 103.512
Note that your (here idle) controlbox's buttons could be "channels" for more advanced operations upon such points (conversions, means, etc).
I've already made a Perl script to process such data and got a complete ASCII CMOD model (as you can see in the case of geologic add-on). Such plugin could be useful for the SCI_FI users for its creations.
Anyhow, I love the blues and the jazz is not dead.
For me, there is no need to make a plugin.
It sounds quite simple and in my opinion, a simple script is enough.
This is how I see the problem to have as less work as possible
The code to calculate coordinates is already available - done!
I suggest a script that replace the Celesestia's demo script. So pressing de "d" key launch your script with no need to go into the menus.
The only work of your script is to take the coordinates and write them via the io.write command.
- Of course you can add a target or whatever you want but a celestia marker is a very simple and very efficient solution. (Ctl-K to activate the markers then Ctrl-P to have a small losange centered on your selected object).
This shows your subpoint with precision, even it is not centered on screen.