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Empty Universe?

Posted: 27.09.2009, 21:37
by Asymptote
Is it possible to modify Celestia's data files so that the universe is entirely empty (no stars, no planets, no galaxies)? I tried deleting the "stars.dat" file, and various portions thereof, but Celestia crashed, saying "Could not read star database."

Re: Empty Universe?

Posted: 28.09.2009, 11:06
by selden
You can stop Celestia from using stars.dat by editing celestia.cfg. Comment out or delete the line
StarDatabase "data/stars.dat"

Re: Empty Universe?

Posted: 28.09.2009, 12:52
by Asymptote
Ah, that works! Thanks a lot!

Re: Empty Universe?

Posted: 28.09.2009, 14:07
by selden
You're very welcome.