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Your biggest star system.

Posted: 25.07.2009, 02:03
by PlutonianEmpire
Which star system in your "extras" folder has the greatest number of planets orbiting a single star? It can be any system, one you made yourself, one downloaded from the internet, or one generated by a planet or star generating program (such as the Globular Cluster Generator).

Counting: Planets (terrestrial and gas), moons, and dwarf planets.

Not Counting: "substellar objects" , brown dwarfs, asteroids, comets, stars, and everything else.

The biggest system on my computer that I know of is Pisces Centauri, one I created over the course of five to six years, containing twenty four planets and one dwarf planet, all within a 1000 AU radius, making for a crowded (and unrealistic) system indeed. And not enough moons, numbering thirty three. It's not suitable for upload to the internet though, because most of these worlds use other people's textures.

Re: Your biggest star system.

Posted: 26.07.2009, 21:27
by eburacum45
I've got 360 planets in the Ecotopia system; they are all artificial planets, created to test out experimental biospheres ... ca9d97f6c5

Re: Your biggest star system.

Posted: 27.07.2009, 23:45
by Hungry4info
Five -> 55 Cancri.

Isn't that unoriginal? Haha.

Re: Your biggest star system.

Posted: 01.06.2010, 18:16
by Mneme
Completed? None yet.

Otherwise, Tarazed. 19 planets, 39 moons. :)

Re: Your biggest star system.

Posted: 01.06.2010, 19:59
by fungun
My Beta Antares system addon.
Counting just the planets and moons = 30


Re: Your biggest star system.

Posted: 01.06.2010, 22:11
by InconspicuousBarrel
The Aeon system in my Dinari Galaxy Cluster addon. It contains 13 planets, 5 dwarf planets and a lot of moons and minor moons.

Posted: 09.12.2017, 23:07
by Joey P.
I don't have fictional solar systems, sorry.

Posted: 31.01.2018, 17:13
by Gurren Lagann
I have no completed systems, but my system with the most planets is Trillin. It has 24 planets and 1 moon, but i will add the other moons later.
If you want to see...

Posted: 05.05.2018, 02:40
by roninwolf1981
I think the star system with the most planets in my extras folder is the Star Trek Alpha Centauri A addon I downloaded from the Celestia Motherlode.
The one with the widest orbit around its parent star would have to be the Lylat System I've been working on for a few years.

Posted: 28.09.2020, 15:58
by Pluto
Maybe TRAPPIST-1 or My paradise system

Posted: 29.09.2020, 07:51
by TheLostProbe
idk but I reckon it's definitely some CelWP star

Posted: 30.10.2020, 07:40
by SpaceStalker
HD 10180. 9 planets ( including 2 unconfirmed). I made this system by myself about 2 weeks ago, but it is still work in progress.