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Planned Solar System For Vega

Posted: 03.09.2008, 14:52
by Mr Noob

It has been a long time since I posted here and this is because my secondary mouse or (ALPS Pointing Device For VAIO) has
broken and I rely on it very much to pan and zoom in Celestia due to the fact it has a "Mouse Nipple", a device that only needs a finger to navigate the cursor. However this post is telling you that my nightmares are over and that VAIO have found several answers as to what the problem is with my mouse. So I do not need to say goodbye to Celestia !! 8)

On a more positive note I am now able to create textures with great detail as I have learned not from just you but from myself... trial and error :). To complete my return to Celestia I am planning right now as we speak (on paper!) a solar system for Vega.

The solar system itself will be constantly updated too when its finished (like adding newly discovered moons or a comet :D).
Here is what is on my paperwork so far:

Vega I - Migrated Giant - The first planet to form in the Vega System, this world is slightly smaller than Neptune.
Vega II - Migrated Giant - The second planet to form in the Vega System, this world has a faint ring system and is the size of Neptune.
Vega III (a) and (b) - Double planet system - Formed 100 million years after the 2 giants. Both worlds are Martian Type worlds with thin clouds and perhaps Primitive Life. System has single asteroid moon orbiting.
Vega IV - Gas Giant - Saturn sized Gas Giant with an extensive ring system and over 20 moons.
Vega V - Gas Giant - Uranus sized Gas Giant with over 14 moons.
Vega VI - Ice Giant - Uranus sized Ice Giant with over 8 moons.
Vega VII - Dwarf Planet - Mercury sized frozen world with no known moons. Could be the remains of a core that belonged to a second Ice Giant. Also could be terraformed when Vega goes supergiant.
Vega's Disk (Vega Belt) - Asteroid Belt - Leftovers of debris from the Star's early history. Can form a Venus sized planet when pulled together.

Thats all... for now :) :) :)

Mr Noob

Re: Planned Solar System For Vega

Posted: 04.09.2008, 19:24
by Tuefish
This sounds excellent. I eagerly await your addon.

Re: Planned Solar System For Vega

Posted: 04.09.2008, 19:34
by ajtribick
How well does your add-on fit with real predictions for a planetary system around Vega? There are after all several examples in the scientific literature predicting the properties of planets which would be required to explain the structure of the debris disk...

Re: Planned Solar System For Vega

Posted: 26.09.2008, 20:25
by Milosz21
Show some screens dude.

Re: Planned Solar System For Vega

Posted: 19.10.2008, 00:36
by Rassilon
haha you know this was the very first system I ever made for Celestia... Wasnt very good looking but I was so fascinated by this program back them that the very attempt of making planets kept me going for days on end to become better and better...

Cant wait to see what you come up with... Feel free to post some screens...