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The Galactic Core

Posted: 04.03.2008, 10:32
by Chuft-Captain


Posted: 04.03.2008, 10:56
by Reiko
It's a bunch of stars!

Posted: 04.03.2008, 11:22
by Chuft-Captain
Not just any stars though...



Posted: 04.03.2008, 11:29
by Tuefish
what am I looking at here?

Posted: 04.03.2008, 16:31
by duds26
A couple of stars which could have planets, are you going to make some systems wit planets and moons??

Posted: 04.03.2008, 18:37
by Chuft-Captain

Posted: 04.03.2008, 20:36
by buggs_moran
globular cluster?

Posted: 04.03.2008, 21:56
by Chuft-Captain
"Gone were the obscuring masses of dust and gas. A billion years ago they must have been swept up for fuel by the hungry, crowded stars.
_______ lay before me like a great jeweled sphere. I'd expected it to be a gradual thing,....there was nothing gradual about it.....The red stars were the biggest and brightest. I could actually pick some of them out as individuals. The rest was a finger painting in flourescent green and blue....It was all so bright.
I'll show you how bright it was.
Is it night where you are? Step outside and look at the stars. What color are they? Antares may show red, if you're near enough; in the system, so will Mars. Sirius may show blueish. But all the rest are white pinpoints.
Why? Because it's dark. Your day-vision is in color, but at night you see in black-and-white, like a dog.
______ suns were bright enough for color vision."


Posted: 05.03.2008, 06:16
by Tuefish
A realistic distance to color ratio?

Posted: 05.03.2008, 06:22
by Reiko
buggs_moran wrote:globular cluster?
If in future versions the 16,000ly limit is overcome, it would be beyond cool to make a halo of those around the milky way. :)

Chuft-Captain wrote:
"Gone were the obscuring masses of dust and gas. A billion years ago they must have been swept up for fuel by the hungry, crowded stars.
_______ lay before me like a great jeweled sphere. I'd expected it to be a gradual thing,....there was nothing gradual about it.....The red stars were the biggest and brightest. I could actually pick some of them out as individuals. The rest was a finger painting in flourescent green and blue....It was all so bright.
I'll show you how bright it was.
Is it night where you are? Step outside and look at the stars. What color are they? Antares may show red, if you're near enough; in the system, so will Mars. Sirius may show blueish. But all the rest are white pinpoints.
Why? Because it's dark. Your day-vision is in color, but at night you see in black-and-white, like a dog.
______ suns were bright enough for color vision."

Ah make all of the stars show in their proper color no matter how far away you view them?

Posted: 05.03.2008, 08:24
by Chuft-Captain
Reiko wrote:Ah make all of the stars show in their proper color no matter how far away you view them?
Incorrect. :lol:

You need to fill in the missing words:
Chuft-Captain wrote:
"Gone were the obscuring masses of dust and gas. A billion years ago they must have been swept up for fuel by the hungry, crowded stars.
??? ???? lay before me like a great jeweled sphere. I'd expected it to be a gradual thing,....there was nothing gradual about it.....The red stars were the biggest and brightest. I could actually pick some of them out as individuals. The rest was a finger painting in flourescent green and blue....It was all so bright.
I'll show you how bright it was.
Is it night where you are? Step outside and look at the stars. What color are they? Antares may show red, if you're near enough; in the system, so will Mars. Sirius may show blueish. But all the rest are white pinpoints.
Why? Because it's dark. Your day-vision is in color, but at night you see in black-and-white, like a dog.
??? ???? suns were bright enough for color vision."

Another clue?...

Posted: 05.03.2008, 08:54
by Tuefish
"Gone were the obscuring masses of dust and gas. A billion years ago they must have been swept up for fuel by the hungry, crowded stars.
the core lay before me like a great jeweled sphere. I'd expected it to be a gradual thing,....there was nothing gradual about it.....The red stars were the biggest and brightest. I could actually pick some of them out as individuals. The rest was a finger painting in flourescent green and blue....It was all so bright.
I'll show you how bright it was.
Is it night where you are? Step outside and look at the stars. What color are they? Antares may show red, if you're near enough; in the system, so will Mars. Sirius may show blueish. But all the rest are white pinpoints.
Why? Because it's dark. Your day-vision is in color, but at night you see in black-and-white, like a dog.
the core suns were bright enough for color vision."

The core?

Posted: 05.03.2008, 09:00
by Chuft-Captain
Tuefish wrote:The core?

Reiko wrote:It's a bunch of stars!

Correct! :lol:

--- Click for VIDEO (5.5 MB) XVid

PS. The quote is from Larry Niven's short story "At The Core".

Posted: 05.03.2008, 12:48
by Fightspit
I can't see anything in your movie even if I have got the Xvid plug-in and there is not sound.


Posted: 05.03.2008, 13:00
by Chuft-Captain
Fightspit wrote:I can't see anything in your movie even if I have got the Xvid plug-in and there is not sound.


That does look very much like a codec problem, or corrupted download. Are you sure you have the codec?
From your screenshot it looks like the progress bar is moving, but the picture is black. That suggests you downloaded the file OK -- How big is the downloaded file exactly. How long does it take for the progress bar to travel from left to right? -- The clip is 31 secs long.

I note that you're using VISTA. Maybe this has something to do with the problem.

Have you managed to play other Xvids in the past, on this machine?

I suggest:
1. Wait -- See if anyone else reports same problem.
2. If not, then first check the file size -- On my machine (Win-XP), it's 5,783,410 bytes (5,783,552 bytes on disk)
3. If not a corrupted or partial download then try re-installing the codec.

Hope this helps.

Posted: 05.03.2008, 13:13
by buggs_moran
Same problem, no vid.

Posted: 05.03.2008, 13:47
by Cham
I'm able to see the video, and I'm on a Mac :P

Posted: 05.03.2008, 14:17
by t00fri
This AVI format/codec is NOT recognized by default by the Win Media Player. Note there are many different formats ending with .avi ;-) People should start using the excellent free VLC player under Windows as well. It plays practically EVERYTHING and on ALL OS's!


Posted: 05.03.2008, 14:25
by selden
It was shown fine by the older DivX codec, v5.2.1.
I then made the mistake up udating to the current version. I now see red diagonal streaks and then the codec crashes Windows Media Player.

Posted: 05.03.2008, 14:27
by Fightspit
Oops :oops: I didn't think to use VLC to play the movie and it works ! thanks !

I have used WMP in my laptop (WindowsXp) and reinstall the latest Divx (include xvid plugin) codec but it doesn't work (black screen) :evil: .