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Help Star Gone Wrong !!

Posted: 14.10.2007, 19:58
by Mr Noob

Code: Select all

101000 "QSC 1"
   RA 2.13709224
   Dec +12.82289090104
   Distance 22.05907331
   SpectralType "M0"
   AppMag 2.238

Is this right ? By the way i am using celestia 1.5 and i have got the default star database. Why isn't it working? I have called it QSC and I have placed it in my extras folder. Is it meant to be called HIP (number).stc?

Please help me :-( MR NOOB

Posted: 14.10.2007, 20:14
by revent
It's correct, except for the star number. The HIP star numbers in the default database go up to 118322, so your star number has to be bigger than that or you'll conflict with an existing star.

Hip 101000 is actually HD 346672, a B9 star located at 20 28 37, +22 01 54.

It'd probably also be a good idea to rename the file so it doesn't have a space in it. Use an underscore, i.e. '_' instead. Spaces in file names can cause problems with programs that are written to run on more than one type of computer.