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help docking with ISS

Posted: 05.03.2007, 11:29
by davidbell
I am relatively new to celestia. I can not figure out certain items. Foe example docking with the international space station. Do I need special ad-ons? Also in the introduction it mentions flying the celestia space craft through the rings of saturn. What is needed? I am running the program on a Mac and am using version 1.4.1 Any suggestions for a beginner would be greatly appreciated

Thank you.


Posted: 06.03.2007, 01:11
by fsgregs
Dear David:

There is an advanced add-on model of the ISS containing a detailed external docking port, which is used by the Space Shuttle. In Celestia, you can load that ISS model, go to it, locate the docking port, and using the steering keys on the numeric keyboard, and the keyboard speed controls, (the "A" key, "Z" key and "S" key), you can try your hand at docking with ISS. It is difficult, because it is moving. You have to come in at an overcompensated angle, then adjust as you close on the model.

To see a few screenshots and get the advanced add-on of the ISS, go to the Celestiamotherlode here:

Follow the instructions for installing this add-on. It is a bit complicated, since the authors assume you have some initial knowledge of ssc files and so forth. If you are completely lost on how to install the ISS into your Celestia folder, post a new message here and I'll try to walk you through it.

With respect to flying through Saturn's rings, that's simple. Launch Celestia, then click this link: cel://Follow/Sol:Saturn/2003-08-13T18:24:36.33438?x=sAT/7pYn4oSyDA&y=Cl/BDLi96/n9/////////w&z=NW4Dd9b/aL9x/////////w&ow=-0.834022&ox=-0.259538&oy=-0.480674&oz=0.077460&select=Sol:Saturn&fov=34.659473&ts=1.000000&ltd=0&rf=40855&lm=0

You will be positioned outside of the rings, ready to start your engines and fly through them (aim for the Cassini Division gap). Use the throttle keys and steering keys. Make sure you press the [S] key to stop your ship when done.



Posted: 06.03.2007, 08:29
by bh
The add-on homepage link at ml is wrong... sorry about that!

Posted: 06.03.2007, 11:49
by Adirondack
bh wrote:The add-on homepage link at ml is wrong... sorry about that!

I did fix this!
Bob, why don't you tell us at CML about such changes?


Posted: 06.03.2007, 19:22
by bh
Adirondack... sorry... I've been a bit destracted latley and have let a few things slip.

Posted: 12.03.2007, 14:57
by davidbell
Thank you for your help. I thought that I had to download a space shuttle and then dock it to the space station. As I understand it , I just have to download the space station and use the regular commands to dock with the space station. Flying throught the rings of Saturn is great!

Thank you again for your help.


Posted: 25.03.2007, 17:05
by Arnavion
I have a problem also. At the page for downloading the files, I read a comment that I was to modify the ISS.SSC file in the extras folder to recognize the new model file's name. That file is not there ! What do I do if I don't want to rename the new model to ISS.3DS ?