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Posted: 06.11.2006, 06:12
by Cham
Could be great to have a rendering like this, live, in Celestia ! 8O


Posted: 06.11.2006, 08:31
by bh
I agree...those shadows just make it...superb.

Posted: 08.11.2006, 03:10
by Cham
The model is finished.

But really, I'm now hesitant to publish it. The file is HUGE ! The CMOD file size is ... 34.4 MB (not compressed), and the model has ... 1063154 triangles (that's more than one million of triangles !). No textures (the model doesn't need any texture anyway), and the flags and logos were giving a bad look to the model. So no textures, no flags, no logos.

Despite the VERY large number of details, I'm getting a reasonable frame rate in Celestia of about 20 FPS and the CMOD file loads quickly. The view around Mars is spectacular. The model is so much detailed it could almost be used for a real movie.

If someone is still interested in the model, just tell it and I'll give a download link. If you don't have a powerfull computer, a large screen and don't have FSAA (hardware antialiasing), just forget about this model.

Posted: 08.11.2006, 06:50
by Chuft-Captain
I'd be interested in checking it out in my Celestia, even with a slow frame-rate, so yes, definitely give a link Cham!

(But pls zip it up first!!)


Posted: 08.11.2006, 10:17
Cham wrote:The model is finished.If someone is still interested in the model, just tell it and I'll give a download link. If you don't have a powerfull computer, a large screen and don't have FSAA (hardware antialiasing), just forget about this model.

I would like to add it to my Space Conquest script, please. :wink:
Thank you.

Andrea :D

Posted: 08.11.2006, 22:40
by fsgregs

Please send me the link to the file. :D

Andrea: Could you also share your Space Conquest script at some point? I'd love to take the script journey :D


Posted: 08.11.2006, 23:06
fsgregs wrote:Cham: Please send me the link to the file. :D
Andrea: Could you also share your Space Conquest script at some point? I'd love to take the script journey :D

Sure, I'll give the script file, but remember some things: 8O
1- It's not been translated in English, so Italian only;
2- It uses a lot of images/sounds I gathered, modified and/or produced myself;
3- I always use big images, so lot of memory is needed.
Given all this, here is my (actual, but it's continuously under development) "The Space Conquest" cel script : :wink:

Code: Select all

#This script has been written by Andrea Pelloni for educational use. Feel free to use,
#modify or what else you like, except for commercial use.
#It uses a lot of sounds and iomages, that I've heavily modified and interpreted.
#Last change (this English script) on November 8th, 2006.
   play { channel 0 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   play { channel 1 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   play { channel 3 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   play { channel 4 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   # start playing background music
   play { channel 0 volume 0.15 loop 1 filename "spacebackground3.wav" nopause 1 }
   play { channel 1 volume 0.1 loop 1 filename "planet32bis.wav" nopause 1 }
   wait {duration 5.0}
     preloadtex {object ""}
     preloadtex {object "fireworks-1.png"}
     preloadtex {object ""}
     preloadtex {object ""}
   set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.0 }
   labels { clear "planets|minorplanets|stars|constellations|galaxies|spacecraft" }
   renderflags { clear "minorplanets|constellations|galaxies|orbits"}
   renderflags { set "atmospheres|planets|moons|minorplanets|cloudmaps|ringshadows" }
   unmarkall {}
   setvisibilitylimit { magnitude 8.5 }
   time { jd 2436200.01833 }
   print {text "... LA CONQUISTA DELLO SPAZIO!" origin "center" column -11}
   wait {duration 5.0}
   select {object "HIP 81520"}
   goto {time 2.0 distance 500.0}
   wait {duration 2.0}
   follow {}
   timerate {rate 2.0}
   print { }
   select {object "HIP 81520/Earth"}
   follow {}
   gotolonglat { time 4 distance 12.6 up [0 1 0] longitude -30 latitude -20 }
   wait {duration 4.0}
   goto {time 8.0 distance 5.2 }
   wait {duration 3.0}
   play { channel 2 volume 0.8 loop 1 filename "Fireworks.wav" nopause 1 }
   wait {duration 0.5}
   overlay { duration 8 xoffset 0.0 yoffset 0.0 alpha 1.0 filename "fireworks-1.png" }
   timerate {rate 4.0}
   print { text "      Tutto e' nato dai primi fuochi d'artificio, che i Cinesi\n      hanno inventato oltre 1000 anni fa usandoli nelle feste popolari" row -4 duration 8.0 }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   wait { duration 2.0 }
   overlay { duration 10 xoffset 0.0 yoffset 0.0 alpha 1.0 filename "congreverockets.png" }
   wait {duration 2.0}
   timerate {rate 4.0}
   print { text "      Nel XVIII secolo i razzi sono diventati\n      un'arma, lanciati dalle navi verso i porti nemici" row -4  duration 8.0 }
   wait { duration 1.0 }
   play { channel 3 volume 0.8 loop 1 filename "congreverockets.wav" nopause 1 }
   wait { duration 6.0 }
   play { channel 3 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   select { object "Earth/V2" }
   print { text "     Nella seconda Guerra Mondiale la Germania ha creato\n     le bombe volanti V-2, con le quali ha bombardato Londra" row -4 duration 8.0 }
   wait { duration 1.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0.8 loop 0 filename "V2flight.wav" nopause 1 }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 5.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 1 0 0 ] }
   wait { duration 1.0 }
   wait {duration 10.0}
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   select { object "Earth/sputnik1" }
   print { text "  Ma il viaggio dell'uomo nello spazio inizia\n  il 18 ottobre 1958. Il primo oggetto messo in orbita\n  e' Il satellite russo Sputnik 1, appena 60 cm e peso di soli 84 Kg" row -5 }   
   follow {}
   gotolonglat { time 4 distance 8 up [0 1 0] longitude -30 latitude -20 }
   time { jd 2436200.01833 }
   wait {duration 4.0}
   goto { time 8.0 distance 5.2 upframe "equatorial" up [ 1 0 0 ] }
   wait { duration 8.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0.2 loop 0 filename "sputnik1.wav" }
   set { orientation [ 90 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 2.1 } #ADDED
   wait { duration 10.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   time { jd 2436242.02083 }
   print { text "  La risposta degli Stati Uniti arriva il\n  31 gennaio 1958. Il loro primo satellite\n  e' l'Explorer 1, una specie di grossa matita\n  lunga ben 2 metri, ma pesante appena 14,2 Kg" row -6 duration 10.0 }   
   select { object "Earth/Explorer 1" }
   timerate {rate 6.0}
   goto { time 5.0 distance 6.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 1 0 0 ] }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   set { orientation [ 90 0 1 0 ] } #CHANGED-WAS 90 0 1 0
   orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate -10 duration 7.1 } #CHANGED-WAS 7.1
   wait { duration 4.0 }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 3.5  }
   renderflags { clear "cloudmaps" }
   wait { duration 12.0 }
   time { jd 2437401.76736 }  # WAS 2437401.76736
   select {object "Earth"}
   gotolonglat { time 3 distance 3 up [0 1 0] longitude 150.0 latitude 64.0 }
   wait { duration 3.0 }
   follow {}
   print { text "  Il 12 aprile 1961 il russo Juri Gagarin diventa\n  il primo cosmonauta, con la capsula monoposto Vostok 1" row -4 duration 12.0 }
   select { object "Earth/Vostok1" }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 5.0 upframe "equatorial" up [ 1 0 0 ] }
   lock {}
   wait { duration 3.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0.4 loop 1 filename "gagarin.wav" }
   wait { duration 7.0 }
   follow {}
   renderflags { clear "cloudmaps" }
   wait { duration 15.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   wait { duration 3.0 }
   time { jd 2436376.0000 }
   select {object "Earth"}
   gotolonglat { time 3 distance 3 up [0 1 0] longitude -79.8 latitude 28.3 }
   wait { duration 3.0 }
   follow {}
   print { text "  Dopo l'impresa russa ecco John Grissom, il primo americano nello\n  spazio con la capsula monoposto Mercury Liberty Bell 7, nel luglio 1961" row -4 duration 12.0 }
   select { object "Earth/Liberty Bell 7" }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 5.0 upframe "equatorial" up [ 1 0 0 ] }
   lock {}
   follow {}
   wait { duration 2.0 }
   play { channel 3 volume 0.4 loop 1 filename "mercurygrissom.wav"  }
   wait { duration 18.0 }
   play { channel 3 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   time { jd 2440422.75002 }
   select { object "Earth/Moon" }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 6.0 }
   follow {}
   wait {duration 5.0}
   print { text "  Colmato il ritardo tecnologico con la Russia,\n  gli Stati Uniti iniziano da soli la conquista della Luna.\n  Ecco l'Apollo 11, con il LEM ancora attaccato, che poi si\n  stacchera' per l'allunaggio di Armstrong ed Aldrin, il 19 luglio 1969" row -6 }
   select { object "Moon/Apollo 11" }
   follow {}
   set { orientation [ 90 0 1 0 ] }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 3.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 5.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 10 duration 12.0 }
   wait {duration 16.0}
   time { jd 2440423.29167 }
   print { text "  Ecco il LEM sulla Luna. Tra poco Neil Armstrong\n  sara' il primo uomo a mettere piede sul nostro satellite" row -4 }
   select { object "Moon/LEM" }
   follow {}
   goto { time 5.0 distance 6.0 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   timerate {rate 0.0}   
   orbit { duration 8.0  rate 12 axis [ 1 0 0 ] }
   wait {duration 12.0}
   print {}
   play { channel 2 volume 0.5 loop 0 filename "step2.wav" }
   overlay { duration 10 xoffset 0.0 yoffset 0.7 alpha 1.0 filename "piedesullaluna-ok.png" }
   wait { duration 10.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   overlay { duration 10 xoffset 0.72 yoffset 0 alpha 1.0 filename "print-ok.jpg" }
   wait { duration 10.0 }
   time { jd 2449919.17361 }
   timerate {rate 6.0}
   print { text "  Nel 1986 i russi mettono in orbita la stazione spaziale MIR,\n  che anche se colpita da parecchi guasti, ha orbitato fino al 2001" row -4 duration 12.0 }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Earth/mir" }
   follow {}
   renderflags { set "cloudmaps" }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 4.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 2.0 }
   play { channel 3 volume 0.2 loop 1 filename "Mirvoice.wav" nopause 1 }   
   wait { duration 3.0 }
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 10 duration 5.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate -10 duration 7.0 }
   renderflags { clear "cloudmaps" }
   wait { duration 8.0 }   
   play { channel 3 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   wait { duration 6.0 }   
   time { jd 2442809.13194 }
   print { text "  Gli americani da parte loro mettono in\n  orbita lo Skylab nel 1984, conseguendo buoni\n  risultati scientifici, soprattutto nello studio del Sole" row -5 }
   select { object "Earth/Skylab" }
   follow {}
   set { orientation [ 90 1 0 0 ] }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 5.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 5.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 10 duration 10.0 }
   wait { duration 12.0 }   
   time { jd 2442809.03333 }
   timerate {rate 4.0}
   print { text "  Negli anni successivi, a partire dal 1981, lo spazio\n  diventa piu' vicino, grazie alle 107 missioni delle cinque navette\n  Shuttle, purtroppo funestate da due drammatici incidenti. L'Endeavour e'\n  mostrato prima della manovra di attracco all'ISS, carico di moduli per la stessa" row -6 duration 10.0 }
   #wait {duration 10.0}
   select { object "Earth/Columbia" }
   follow {}
   set { orientation [ 90 0 0 1 ] }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 3.0 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 1.0 }   
   play { channel 2 volume 0.2 loop 1 filename "fromapollo11.wav" nopause 1 }
   wait { duration 5.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 25 duration 5.0 }
   wait { duration 16.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   wait { duration 2.0 }
   time { jd 2454481.35417 }  # WAS 2454481.18333
   select { object "HIP 81520/Earth/ISS" }
   follow {}
   print { text "  Grazie agli Shuttle ed alle navette russe, a partire dal 1998\n  e' iniziata la costruzione della International Space Station, la ISS,\n  frutto della collaborazione di parecchie nazioni, tra le quali anche l'Italia" row -5 duration 8.0 }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 4.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 1.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0.5 loop 1 filename "fromspaceshuttle.wav" nopause 1 }
   wait { duration 7.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 10 duration 12.0 }
   wait { duration 18.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename ""  }
   time { jd 2453401.05417 }
   select { object "Earth/Hubble" }
   follow {}
   set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.5 }
   print { text "  Un notevolissimo contributo allo studio dello spazio e' giunto con\n  l'Hubble Space Telescope HST, strumento del diametro di 2,5 metri, che\n  dal 1990 ci ha permesso di osservare il cielo come era impossibile dalla Terra a\n  causa dell'atmosfera e dell'inquinamento da gas e luminoso che attutisce la luce delle stelle" row -6 duration 12.0 }
   goto { time 5.0 distance 4.5 upframe "equatorial" up [ 1 0 0 ] }
   wait { duration 5.0 }   
   play { channel 2 volume 0.2 loop 1 filename "telecommunications.wav" }
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 0 ] rate 10 duration 9.2 }
   wait {duration 10.0}
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   time { jd 2453401.04722 }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Mars/MGS" }
   follow {}
   set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.0 }
   print { text "  Ma gli obiettivi della ricerca spaziale si sono\n  spostati anche sui pianeti del Sistema Solare, ed ecco\n  la sonda Mars Global Surveyor in orbita intorno a Marte dal 2004" row -5 duration 8.0 }
   wait { duration 2.0 }   
   set { orientation [ 90 0 0 1 ] }
   goto { time 9.0 distance 4.0 upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ] }
   wait { duration 9.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 10 duration 4.5 }
   wait { duration 10.0 }   
   timerate { rate 0 }
   follow { }
   set { name "AmbientLightLevel" value 0.5 }
   timerate { rate 0 }
   time { jd  2444060.97094  } # WAS 2443376.20833
   select { object "HIP 81520/Voyager 2" }
   follow { }
   print {text "Le due sonde Voyager I e II hanno fotografato\nGiove, Saturno, Urano e Nettuno da molto vicino,\nnel loro viaggio iniziato nel 1975 ed ancora in corso" row -5 column 3 duration 8.0 }
   goto { time 9.0 distance 2.5 }
   wait { duration 10.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0.6 loop 1 filename "telecommunications-2.wav" }
   orbit { axis [ 1 0 1 ] rate -4 duration 8.0 }
   timerate {rate 400}
   wait { duration 2.0 }
   print { text "Ecco il disco d'oro su cui\nsono state incise le notizie del\npianeta Terra e della nostra razza..." row -5 column 3 duration 10 }
        overlay { duration 11 xoffset -0.63 yoffset 0.51 alpha 1.0 filename "voyagerdisk.png" }
   wait { duration 12.0 }   
   select { object "HIP 81520/Jupiter" }
   lock { }
   center { time 2 }
   goto { time 8.0 distance 8.0 }
   wait { duration 1 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   timerate { rate 400 }
   print { text "Voyager raggiunge Giove nel 1979" row -3  column 3 duration 14 }
   wait { duration 8 }
   orbit { axis [ 1 1 0 ] rate 4 duration 12 }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Saturn" }
   lock { }
   center { time 5 }
   goto { time 8.0 distance 8.5 }
   time { jd 2444840.72903 }
   wait { duration 1 }
   timerate { rate 1000 } 
   print { text "Eccolo vicino a Saturno, siamo nel 1981" row -3 column 3 duration 10 }
   wait { duration 7 }
   orbit { axis [ 1 1 0 ] rate 5 duration 9.0 }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Uranus" }
   lock { }
   center { time 5 }
   goto { time 8.0 distance 12.0 }
   time { jd 2446453.72903 }
   timerate { rate 1500 }
   wait { duration 4 }
   print { text "Nel 1986 il Voyager 2 passa a fianco di Urano" row -3 column 3 duration 16 }
   wait { duration 4 }
   orbit { axis [ 1 1 0 ] rate -5 duration 9 }
   wait { duration 5.0 }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Neptune" }
   lock { }
   center { time 5 }
   goto { time 8.0 distance 16.0 }
   time { jd 2446453.72903 }  # WAS   2447763.04167
   wait { duration 4 }
   timerate { rate 2200 }
   print { text "Ed infine, nel 1989, ecco Nettuno" row -3 column 3 duration 10 } 
   wait { duration 4 }
   orbit { axis [ 1 1 0 ] rate 6 duration 9 }
   wait { duration 5 }
   print { text "  La drammatica fine dello Shuttle Columbia fara'\n  sicuramente rallentare le future imprese    spaziali,\n  ma il prossimo obiettivo per l'uomo sara' Marte" row -5 }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Mars/Mars Relay Station" }
   time { jd 2452678.79421 }
   follow {}
   timerate { rate 30 }
   gotolonglat { time 8 distance 10.5 longitude 67 latitude 188 }  # WAS longitude 287 latitude 188
   wait { duration 1.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0.3 loop 1 filename "telecommunications.wav" nopause 1 }
   wait { duration 7.0 }   
   print { text "Vi mostriamo una delle proposte congiunte NASA-ESA,\nuna stazione orbitante intorno a Marte, che    inviera' alla Terra\nle trasmissioni radio degli uomini sbarcati su Marte, intorno al 2030" row -5 column 3 duration 10.0 }
   wait { duration 14.0 }
   print { text "          Forse tra 25 anni uno di voi potra'\nvedere la Terra da una stazione abitata su Marte"    row -9 column 17 duration 20.0  }
   wait {duration 4.0}
   overlay { duration 6 xoffset 0.0 yoffset 0.65 alpha 1.0 filename "okmarstomorrow.jpg" }
   goto { time 4 distance 4.0 }
   wait { duration 7.0 }
   overlay { duration 6 xoffset 0.0 yoffset 0.65 alpha 1.0 filename "okmarsmen.jpg" }
   wait { duration 7.0 }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
     preloadtex {object "custom.png"}
     preloadtex {object "mars-green.png"}
   select { object "HIP 81520/Mars2" }
   time { jd 2452678.79421 }
   print { text "Questo allo scopo ambizioso di riuscire\nun giorno a rendere Marte simile alla Terra e \nquindi abitabile, ricreando atmosfera ed acqua dalle sue rocce" row -5 column 3 duration 5.0 }
   follow {}
   timerate { rate 500 }
   gotolonglat {time 4.0 distance 16.0 longitude 50.8 latitude -8.8}
   wait {duration 4.0}
   goto { time 6.0 distance 8.0 }  # WAS upframe "equatorial" up [ 0 1 0 ]
   wait { duration 6.0 }   
   orbit { axis [ 0 1 0 ] rate 4 duration 12 }
   print { text "Soltanto un sogno? Forse, o forse no" origin "top" row 6 column -11 duration 4 }
   wait { duration 4.0 }   
   overlay { duration 60 xoffset 0.0 yoffset 0.0 alpha 1.0 filename "custom.png" }
   select { object "HIP 81520/Earth" }
   time { jd 2453907.9167 }
   follow {}
   timerate { rate 80 }
   goto { time 5 distance 150.0 }
   wait {duration 1.0}
   play { channel 2 volume 0.9 loop 0 filename "spacecraftenginestart.wav" nopause 0 }   
   print { text "E' ora di tornare a casa con la nostra astronave" origin "top" row 4 column -14 duration 6 }
   wait {duration 4.0}
   gotolonglat  { distance 1.8 time 24 longitude 32.8 latitude 41.8 }
   wait {duration 24.0}
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
     print {text "Ci auguriamo che abbiate gradito questa\nbreve storia della Conquista dello Spazio" origin "topleft"   row 3 column 20 duration 7.0 }
   wait {duration 7.0}
   print { }
   wait {duration 1.0}
   print {text "                       E se la risposta e' si, come\n                      speriamo, tornate a    trovarci,\n              abbiamo ancora tante cose da mostrarvi.\n\n                          Ciao da Andrea Pelloni" origin "topleft" row 3 column 16 duration 8.0}   
   wait {duration 20.0}
   play { channel 0 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   play { channel 1 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }
   play { channel 2 volume 0 loop 0 filename "" }      

Hope you'll have no problems to check it, but if any, contact me freely.

Andrea :D

Posted: 08.11.2006, 23:17
I forgot to say that my scripts are all optimized for 1024X768 screen resolution, and that I positioned my Solar System arond the star HIP 81520 :oops:

Andrea :D

Posted: 08.11.2006, 23:29
by CurlSnout
I've been following the development of your creation here in the forums, and I would VERY MUCH enjoy seeing this outstanding model in Celestia. How/where can I get it?

Thank you and good afternoon,


Posted: 08.11.2006, 23:33
Now I'm asking for help.
As you see in my "Space Conquest" script there is a wav file named "congreverockets.wav"
At the beginning of the script, I give a VERY brief story of rocketry, starting with Chinese fireworks, then telling of the use of Congreve's rockets, launched from English ships as weapons, ending with the V2 launched by Germany against London in WW2. :evil:
Well, that wav file is very poor, because it sounds like a series of fireworks, while the Congreve rockets surely were much bigger and noisy than firewworks. :cry:
I searched everywhere in Internet for Multiple Rochet Launchers sounds (as Soviet Mathilda, e.g.), but I did't find any.
Some of Celestians has a little sound file of this type? :roll:
Thanks a lot.

Andrea :D

Edited later: just to clarify, this is the image of the launch from a ship of Congreve rockets, that I have inserted in the script: :wink:


Andrea :D

Posted: 08.11.2006, 23:40
by Cham
Here's a download link to the model.

WARNING : The model has a very HIGH resolution (LOTS of details) and will probably slow down your Celestia to an unacceptable level. You need a powerfull computer, a large screen and FSAA (hardware antialiasing) to use this model. If you don't have FSAA and a good video card, don't bother downloading the model, it's not worth it ! (14.9 MB zip file)

If you use the model, please, tell me your frame rate in Celestia, and if you have antialiasing, so I can know if it's really worth it to make other models of that resolution.

Posted: 09.11.2006, 00:15
by chris
Cham wrote:Here's a download link to the model.

WARNING : The model has a very HIGH resolution (LOTS of details) and will probably slow down your Celestia to an unacceptable level. You need a powerfull computer, a large screen and FSAA (hardware antialiasing) to use this model. If you don't have FSAA and a good video card, don't bother downloading the model, it's not worth it ! (14.9 MB zip file)

If you use the model, please, tell me your frame rate in Celestia, and if you have antialiasing, so I can know if it's really worth it to make other models of that resolution.

I'll try it soon . . . I just ordered a GeForce 8800 GTX, which will very likely manage 60fps on that model.


Posted: 09.11.2006, 00:37
by fsgregs

Does a Nvidia 6600 GT w/ 128 MG VRAM have hardware antialiasing? I installed the add-on on my system and got an FPS of 9 to 10. That is not bad. Unfortunately, if the model crashes more modest systems, I won't be able to use it in my educational activities :cry: I can't make them so top-heavy that a typical school computer crashes or locks up when trying to use them.

The spacecraft is indeed at a level that would rival a Hollywood movie. It is spectacular, even without color and logos.

Cham, if you ever figure out a way to lower its demands on computer systems so that most everyone running it can get at least 8 fps, please post a link to that model as well. I will instantly incorporate it into my Solar System/spacecraft Activities as an example of what man's ships may look like in a not-too-distant future trip to Mars or Jupiter.


Posted: 09.11.2006, 00:41
by fsgregs
I searched everywhere in Internet for Multiple Rochet Launchers sounds (as Soviet Mathilda, e.g.), but I did't find any.
Some of Celestians has a little sound file of this type?


The best sound effects website I have found is You can find it at this address:

It has downloadable samples of all its sounds, so you can listen to them first. If you need more than a short 10 second clip, you can buy the sound effect for a small fee.

Just access "sound effects" on the left-hand menu, then check out rocket sounds or rocket launcher sounds.

Thank you for your script. I have copied it and will try it out ASAP.


Posted: 09.11.2006, 01:02
by chris
fsgregs wrote:Cham/Chris:

Does a Nvidia 6600 GT w/ 128 MG VRAM have hardware antialiasing?

Yes, it does. It does a nice job of 4x antialiasing in Celestia if you run at reasonable resolutions.


Posted: 09.11.2006, 01:02
Cham wrote:Here's a download link to the model.
If you use the model, please, tell me your frame rate in Celestia, and if you have antialiasing, so I can know if it's really worth it to make other models of that resolution.

Cham, it's almost incredible, but here is what I see on my system, at 1024x768 16 bit screen resolution and antialiasing OFF: 8O


As you can see at lower right, my rate was a stunning 60 FPS, with SS Kepler rotating smoothly without stops.
A very good couple with your Mars Relay Station. :wink:
Very very appreciated, indeed, I love it!
Bye and many thanks.

Andrea :D

Posted: 09.11.2006, 01:11
by Cham
fsgregs wrote:Cham, if you ever figure out a way to lower its demands on computer systems so that most everyone running it can get at least 8 fps, please post a link to that model as well. Frank

I'll try to make a smaller model, by removing most details.


Posted: 09.11.2006, 01:27
fsgregs wrote:Andrea: The best sound effects website I have found is You can find it at this address:
Thank you for your script. I have copied it and will try it out ASAP.

Thank you Frank, I've just checked, and found it contains a lot of useful sounds.
Regarding my script, feel free to give me your opinion, suggestions, critics, changes, I'll be happy of this, you have a lot more experience than me. :wink:

Andrea :D

Posted: 09.11.2006, 01:34
by Cham
Just for the fun, here's another rendering in the modeler, to show off some shadows.


I'm gonna do some more renderings. After that, I'll detach the command module (front sphere) from the hexagonal structure to make another, simpler, ship. I'll also remove most small details to make a lighter smaller model of the same SS Kepler.

Posted: 09.11.2006, 01:39
by CurlSnout
I LOVE it!

8.6 FPS on my system: CPU = P4 3.01 GHz / RAM = 1 GB PC3200 / video = GeForce 6800GS (256 MB) with 4X antialiasing enabled. Screen res = 1600x1200x32.

Thank you. Please make more.
