Hello, I envisage a new pack N1-beta-3 as well as new a pack Soyuz-4-5-eva for a few days:
Innovations for Soyuz 4 and 5
Cosmonauts are independent of the vessel and have their own orbit, it weight only 688 KB
there remain nothing any more but 2 mod?©ls Soyuz instead of 4 Soyuz 5 weight nothing any more but 3.6 Mo (instead of 4) and 4 Mo for Soyuz the 4 (4.6 in the preceding version) embellished models its and more r?©alist
- The hatchway of the Soyuz is independent of the vessel and have its own orbit, in the sript one sees them to open then the cosmonauts slowly leave
Some images of new the pack which on line will be normally very soon
The hatchway of the Soyuz 5 starts to open
The opening continues and we see the interior (lately arranged)
Finished opening (1 mn)
The cosmonaut leaves (texture will be clearer)
Detail of the engines
Innovations for the N1 rocket
I thus will provide the base of launching 131de baikonour, the image of the ground comes from Google earth (24 stuck images), it is with the dds format .
The logo of google will be visible on the image (to make like they says)
-launchpad is much more realist that that seen in my preceding post
-The rocket is equipped with new more realistic textured flames
-it sees the blocks of the rocket dying out then to be detached (alas they fall down into full on the basis with launching)
-The script east remakes but all the moon part is unchanged except the cosmonaut.(perhaps with an english script if someone can help me)
- I was going to forget N1 transport which will be provided in the pack
One sets out again on the images of next the pack N1
The double launching pad with the dwellings of the workmen in the foreground
The 4 locos that I manufactured yesterday (it were drawn by trams on the preceding images)
The rocket is installation (with sight on the 2nd pad with the back)
Lighting of engines of block A (the tower should even swivel on it, one works above)
It left, promised this time it does not explode
Exit of block A and the lighting of the block B
It remains to me to make some calculations before providing the version because we changed the size of the Soyuz who was too small and all is to be recomputed
N1 transport will roll can be on its rails to the tower (Gilles Mor?©re wants straightforwardly that one can see it arriving with the swivelling of N1 transport to put it on the pad).
The rotary tower should also swivel to be to 30 measure rocket at the time of takeoff
For my sripts I seek to replace the urls which do not cease moving from one version to another of celestia (sun being each time in a different place)
I seek to replace them by a trick of this kind
time {jd 2436200.01833}
I have a small program back but the values that it gives me do not correspond to the line above
I seek the dates of the 14/01/1969
and 03/07/1969