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Posted: 21.05.2005, 07:41
by sundog
ElChristou wrote:Sundog,

Do you have a similar QTVR for the room here?

You want to model the mid deck too? 8O Great! :)

Here's some larger versions of both flight deck and mid deck.

Flight deck 1Mb 2.5Mb 6.9Mb

Mid deck 873Kb 2Mb 6.2Mb

Will it be possible to add invisible objects inside the two decks, so you can 'select' and 'goto' them?


Posted: 21.05.2005, 12:17
by ElChristou
sundog wrote:Will it be possible to add invisible objects inside the two decks, so you can 'select' and 'goto' them?

Many Tx for the urls...

For the invisible objects, it's question of testing... why not... I never saw a model using this option... is there one?

Posted: 21.05.2005, 15:50
by sundog
ElChristou wrote:Many Tx for the urls...

Your welcome.

ElChristou wrote:I never saw a model using this option... is there one?

I've not seen one, but Huygens was attached to Cassini and you could select and go to either one.

I have tested with the Moonbus by Frank Gregorio. I copied the ssc and called it "moonbus-cockpit", made the model size small and modified the orbit so it was in the cockpit. This works, but I don't know how you can "attach" a mesh/model so the orbit modification isn't needed. Would that be specified in the 3ds model?


Posted: 21.05.2005, 16:30
by ElChristou
sundog wrote:I've not seen one, but Huygens was attached to Cassini and you could select and go to either one.

I have tested with the Moonbus by Frank Gregorio. I copied the ssc and called it "moonbus-cockpit", made the model size small and modified the orbit so it was in the cockpit. This works, but I don't know how you can "attach" a mesh/model so the orbit modification isn't needed. Would that be specified in the 3ds model?

I will test this further in the work... All the modeling is not a so simple task...
The texturing will take some weeks... Meanwhile, should I release the shuttle as it just for fun?


Posted: 21.05.2005, 18:30
by alphap1us
I think you should release it without the cockpit for now. There's no sense in dealying the release for weeks when you coudl give us the best shuttle model in Celesti right now. Also, some people may not even want the cockpit becuase of the models complexity. Please upload it to the motherlode if you'd like.


Posted: 21.05.2005, 18:53
by Cham
I agree,

ElChristou, you should release your model without the interior. Don't be too perfectionist. ;-)

Posted: 21.05.2005, 20:14
by t00fri
Cham wrote:I agree,

ElChristou, you should release your model without the interior. Don't be too perfectionist. ;-)

I want NAKED astronauts ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 21.05.2005, 21:44
by ElChristou
Cham wrote:I agree,

ElChristou, you should release your model without the interior. Don't be too perfectionist. ;-)

Ok, tomorrow I will give here a link to the model (later on ML). But I will also end the cockpit because the QTVR is really a great document so I will use it for texturing :D

Then I have to model the dock... another story...


Posted: 21.05.2005, 21:47
by ElChristou
t00fri wrote:...I want NAKED astronauts ;-)...

I will do a special version just for you.
Do you prefer only men or with a woman is fine? :wink:

Posted: 21.05.2005, 22:13
by t00fri
ElChristou wrote:
t00fri wrote:...I want NAKED astronauts ;-)...

I will do a special version just for you.
Do you prefer only men or with a woman is fine? :wink:

want men + french woman ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 21.05.2005, 22:31
by Cham
t00fri wrote:
ElChristou wrote:
t00fri wrote:...I want NAKED astronauts ;-)...

I will do a special version just for you.
Do you prefer only men or with a woman is fine? :wink:

want men + french woman ;-)

Bye Fridger

Why a French woman ? And what task do you want them to do ? ;-)

Posted: 21.05.2005, 22:52
by t00fri
Cham wrote:
t00fri wrote:
ElChristou wrote:
t00fri wrote:...I want NAKED astronauts ;-)...

I will do a special version just for you.
Do you prefer only men or with a woman is fine? :wink:

want men + french woman ;-)

Bye Fridger

Why a French woman ? And what task do you want them to do ? ;-)

Qu'est ce que tu penses: elle va faire la cuisine
comme toujours... ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 22.05.2005, 08:38
by Vincent

That reminds me a french (sexist) joke :

Quel est le f?©minin de : Un homme assis dans le salon ?

r?©ponse : Une femme debout dans la cuisine... :twisted:

Posted: 22.05.2005, 10:26
by t00fri
Vincent wrote:Fridger,

That reminds me a french (sexist) joke :

Quel est le f?©minin de : Un homme assis dans le salon ?

r?©ponse : Une femme debout dans la cuisine... :twisted:


too bad ...

Bye Fridger

Posted: 22.05.2005, 13:03
by ElChristou
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink:


Posted: 22.05.2005, 15:44
by Giorgio
The model so far looks great and very promising.
Will there be a versione with the open bay? In the current model of the Endeavour, one of the most interesting features are the seethrough windows on the roof and towards the bay interior. Those details alone add so much realism. In close pictures just the absence of a cockpit was a real limit.
Now your model has some awesome looking thrusters throughout the model, and seethrough windows all over. I can't wait to install it

I also second the proposals, when and if you have time and will to do it, for a full version with boosters rocketing up through the sky, and an open bay version with the mechanical arm extended and, perhaps, a little astronaut working near the bay area. That would give a nice hint on the proportions of man, shuttle, Earth.

(for sure I wouldn't mind having 3-5 Endeavours flying around the Earth jsut to see it in different situations :P )

Posted: 22.05.2005, 18:45
by ElChristou

Some patience will be necessary to see all you want. Before the complete "stack" I want to do a version with the open bay.
Someone as an idea about which mission could be cool to illustrate?
I'm thinking in something with a satellite... but as I'm not an expert on the Nasa mission... Some ideas are welcome.

Meanwhile as promised, the actual state of the shuttle can be download HERE (3mo).

There is no cockpit (work in progress).

Known issues:

Some ugly poly around the windows... will be solved (I hope) in the terminal version.

Some strange shadows on the wings when the light come from the front of the model... This is an earlier problem, so to solve it I need (perhaps) to redo the entire body...

The frame of the windows are too thin... will be corrected (:wink: bh).

I also will redo the thrusters with more details.

That's all.


Posted: 22.05.2005, 20:43
ElChristou wrote:Giorgio,

Some patience will be necessary to see all you want. Before the complete "stack" I want to do a version with the open bay.
Someone as an idea about which mission could be cool to illustrate?
I'm thinking in something with a satellite... but as I'm not an expert on the Nasa mission... Some ideas are welcome.

Perhaps a nice starter would be to re-do the Magellan, Galileo and Ulysses Launch missions ?

Posted: 22.05.2005, 20:50
by ElChristou
TERRIER wrote:
ElChristou wrote:Giorgio,

Some patience will be necessary to see all you want. Before the complete "stack" I want to do a version with the open bay.
Someone as an idea about which mission could be cool to illustrate?
I'm thinking in something with a satellite... but as I'm not an expert on the Nasa mission... Some ideas are welcome.

Perhaps a nice starter would be to re-do the Magellan, Galileo and Ulysses Launch missions ?

Do exist good images of these ones?

Posted: 22.05.2005, 21:35
by Giorgio
Couldn't resist to see how it looked like on my pc.
Actually I didn't see the problems your were talking about in the front view. neither I saw any real problem of bad polys around the cockpit. It's just that the windows are more reflective and so they tend to show the pattern of the polygons below the shading. Nothing serious at all.
Anyway it is great. I took this picture (should show below: your Atlantis on Jstr's MkII Earth VT + D.Brady's clouds VT + D.Edwards' clouds shadows 8k .dds on my humble AthlonXP 1800+, 256MB DDR, ATI9550 256MB and Win98se) and, at its orginal size, I'm currently using it as my wallpaper.
Thanks for your great work :)


Quite incredible, the Atlantis logo doesn't lose resolution when zooming in 8O