RELEASE: Ringworld

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Re: RELEASE: Ringworld

Post #21by cljohnston108 » 27.07.2009, 16:56

This is fantastic! The last Ringworld add-on for Celestia I saw was made up of a hundred or so separate sections, so when you had planet labels turned on it was a big mess.

I'm a member of the LA Science Fantasy Society (LASFS), and Larry Niven is one of our patron saints who occasionally attends the Thursday night meetings.
Our clubhouse has a computer room, with a bunch of networked PCs that members use during Open Gaming nights.
I'll have to install Celestia onto the system with this add-on (and a bunch of other cool ones), and show Larry next time I see him!

selden wrote:Sen,

Unfortunately, Celestia does not yet implement the casting of shadows by Mesh objects. Only its internal spherical objects can generate shadows (eclipses).
Ah, okay. I was wondering why the shadows cast on the Ringworld aren't nearly as long as the lit segments, and have rounded edges.

EDIT: One problem I'm having is that Ringworld's Star doesn't always appear in the browser.
It's always there if I hit Return and type it in, but I'd like to visit the Lying Bastard or Halrloprillalar's House occasionaly. :wink:

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Re: RELEASE: Ringworld

Post #22by Chuft-Captain » 28.07.2009, 09:51

cljohnston108 wrote:This is fantastic! The last Ringworld add-on for Celestia I saw was made up of a hundred or so separate sections, so when you had planet labels turned on it was a big mess.
Are you referring to the Rungworld? --

"Is a planetary surface the right place for an expanding technological civilization?"
-- Gerard K. O'Neill (1969)


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Re: RELEASE: Ringworld

Post #23by Reiko » 12.08.2009, 20:30

selden wrote:Sen,

Unfortunately, Celestia does not yet implement the casting of shadows by Mesh objects. Only its internal spherical objects can generate shadows (eclipses).
Will that might be in 1.7.0?

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Re: RELEASE: Ringworld

Post #24by straight » 22.11.2009, 10:52

This is a really fun add-on, rthorvald! Thank you very much for making an sharing it.

Made me grin when I saw that Fist-of-God has...avoiding spoilers here...the same properties as it does in the book. Well done.

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