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Posted: 09.06.2007, 03:40
by Fenerit
How one should correctly tell about of this operation? I'm not well-mastered in english language, and my tendencies about unknow words as sound-like; e.a: "revolution" "revolve", "traslation" "traslate", "estrusion" "estrude". :lol:

Posted: 09.06.2007, 15:14
by Aphyle2007
Fenerit wrote:How one should correctly tell about of this operation? I'm not well-mastered in english language, and my tendencies about unknow words as sound-like; e.a: "revolution" "revolve", "traslation" "traslate", "estrusion" "estrude". :lol:

"Render" would make sense, but going from 2-D to 3-D in the way we are discussing might be "extrude." A common toy used by American children (or at least in the past) is the Play-Doh "Fun Factory," in which soft modeling clay is forced through variously shaped holes to produce extrusions in 3 dimensions from a 2 dimensional template.

So in the case of a subducting slab of oceanic lithosphere, the 2-dimensional diagram needs to be extruded into the 3rd dimension. On Earth, however, the map pattern is curved, not linear, so certain compromises are needed when generating the subduction. This is why they are called island "arcs."


Posted: 09.06.2007, 16:02
by Fenerit
Aphyle2007, I apologize not one but two times! I've found my error: my maggoty brain has lost the "X" to the road (eXtrude not eStrude!) :oops:

For the proper questions:
1) My intention about the model is to make it half-transparent, in which putting further data or placing further structure configurations; so I should want know from you if this is a good idea;
2) where placing it? This it's not simple, because if placed as particular of the Interior, an eventual toggle around the model would be impede by the planet mass. Inside the Interior no, because I'm building another model of the Interior with a 180?° sect (this model will be hide and it will show itself after the hiding of the Interior and viceversa) for better manage the dinamic model. The final solution I believe is that of "spacecraft", the unique that would permit also a great resolution and a deep zooming. If you have further suggests, I shall gather it.

Posted: 10.06.2007, 02:38
by Aphyle2007
Fenerit wrote:Aphyle2007, I apologize not one but two times! I've found my error: my maggoty brain has lost the "X" to the road (eXtrude not eStrude!) :oops:

For the proper questions:
1) My intention about the model is to make it half-transparent, in which putting further data or placing further structure configurations; so I should want know from you if this is a good idea;
2) where placing it? This it's not simple, because if placed as particular of the Interior, an eventual toggle around the model would be impede by the planet mass. Inside the Interior no, because I'm building another model of the Interior with a 180?° sect (this model will be hide and it will show itself after the hiding of the Interior and viceversa) for better manage the dinamic model. The final solution I believe is that of "spacecraft", the unique that would permit also a great resolution and a deep zooming. If you have further suggests, I shall gather it.

I think that the semi-transparent manner of rendering that you describe is the way to go, especially if you desire to show the shape and orientation. I am not aware of anyone in my work domain that is showing it as such. The best that I have seen are sections done by an individual in Ireland using KML files in GoogleEarth. I only know this person through a colleague, but we have an EU-US grant proposal in for 3D and 4D visualizations for undergraduate geology classes.

Here is an interesting figure that I found: ... n+zone.jpg

Here is a reference with a good set of images. I don't have access at home, but can try from the office:

Chen, W.-P. and Brudzinski, M.R., 2001. Evidence for a large-scale remnant of subducted lithosphere beneath Fiji, Science, v. 292, pp. 2475-2479.

Keep on going! You do great work.


Posted: 10.06.2007, 23:10
by Fenerit
Many thanks for the encouragement and for the reference data that you send to me. In extruding this I'll try to stay the most closest loyal with the shapes collected from researches. I'm near to an update of Interior, having add the "sphere" of the lithosphere, region D", dinamic model and new texts, this time in 3d form at all, being the textures background only. The 3d model and the text labels will hides/shows themselves with the right Altmap operation. If .DDS are ok for you, I shall post the ZIP pack afterwards only in this format, for ease the file; or, at least, for whom love the high resolutions, I shall post a separate pack just with these alone in .PNG form. Although the polygons became to rise, with my Duron 750 I obtain yet an excellent frame rate; so, for yours powerful mainframes there would not to be problems.

Posted: 14.06.2007, 22:07
by Fenerit
Hi, there. Here are some screenshots of upper-mantle's cross-section (work in progress):

UPDATED: ... sh0280.jpg

UPDATED: ... np0280.jpg

UPDATED: ... XK0280.jpg

UPDATED: ... er0280.jpg

For Aphyle2007. A question about my geological curiosity. According to the depths, the 220 discontinuity fall near by the dehydration region; it's possible that this dehydration occour because there is a friction among the subduction and the 220 km layer? This latter seem very compact to resist at the force from below by bend itself up. Bye.

Posted: 23.06.2007, 19:43
by Nomadic
I have been looking through your various models and am greatly impressed at the detail and skill put into them. However, when I attempted to download them every single one gave me a download error saying that it was no longer available. Now granted it has been some time since you originally put them up. I was wondering though, perhaps you could re-upload the models (especially the 3d earth cutaway that you were originally working on) so that I could download them.

Thank you

Posted: 24.06.2007, 02:51
by Fenerit
Nomadic, I sorry for this, but my server delete the files up to 40 days that they aren't downloaded, and four days ago there were!

I've sent the file newly here (see pag 8 of this topic for some details):

This file concern only the last version with some new textures and it will replace all the remains links now. For what concern the link in the first page of this topic (also replace with this one) you can download it in Motherlode here: ... system.php

If you like this addon, stay tuned because I shall send a new one a later, now I'm involved with some cross-sections. Enjoy,

Posted: 17.07.2007, 21:32
by Fenerit
Ehil?  (Hi, there). Now it's time to upload the upper-mantle cross-section. I'm at the point in which I've need of few critics, suggests and rejects, due to the fact that in several parts I've builded the model from a "plain text", not from some extants images. This model is far from being complete and it will to be further. The ocean plate looks a quite empty because I'm thinking of filling the space above it with both the volcano and a mid-ocean ridge's cross-sections, not having, at the present, found nothing about the hotspot. Below there are a couple of screen-dumps: ... Q20300.jpg ... 4F0300.jpg

The model lack of several descriptions and most of all it lack of the chemical and petrological rocky structures, which will be added later (probably in billboard form and on the dark side of the model, so that one can change it when occur).
I'm robbing the Don Anderson's textbook "Theory of Earth" even in the quotes, since I don't dare to say the same things by my not native English, and I'm grateful to Aphyle2007 for the image data that he has sent to me some days ago. The ocean's image come from here and it's of your autor: ... 10&libid=8

I've put the model around the Earth in a "venusian" orbit (vsop87-venus), and I hope that this do not collide with yours others models. You can change all the parameters, of course. The terrains are not in scale, with the exception of the small island near to the volcano, which is in true scale-high as well as all the rest of the vertical dimension.
In order to avoid an overwhelming "stone-look" of the model, I've preferred to "modularize" the parts; e.a. the gradient's changes, depletings, 220km discontinuity, magma differentiations, phase changes etc., it stands alone in specific zone, not throughout the entire model. The download's model link is here (extract in \Extras\ folder and tell me somethings about the frame rate):

UPDATED see next page
UPDATED see next page

Enjoy, Fenerit. 8)

Posted: 18.07.2007, 01:11
by Cham

I tried your upper mantle model. It's a great model ! Very well done ! :D

I particularly love that volcano with its natural looking smoke ! 8O Can you make a model of that volacano (with it smoke) alone ? I may be interested to add it on a complete Earth model.

Posted: 18.07.2007, 10:47
by Fenerit
Thank you Cham, I'm very happy that this model enjoy a great addons maker like you. Yes, I shall do the volcano alone (perhaps more detailed? :roll: the U_M volcano has the lapils, but it do not shows very well). The problem's plume is that it looks a quite "plastic", but without high-end shaders it's impossible to give it a realistic look (apart point sprites).

Posted: 18.07.2007, 12:01
by Fenerit
Cham, the volcano is here:

###DELETED### see next post.

Because the .3DS do not hold the cilindrical UV projection for the plume, I have split the model in three parts: 1) the entire volcano (all is ok with the except of the plume); 2) the volcano without the plume; 3) the plume alone. When you insert the plume in the model and then reassign the texture, all work fine (I do not why the .3DS lost the UV projection for the plume while not for the rest, perhaps is my program that doing this).

Posted: 18.07.2007, 16:07
by Cham
The download link doesn't seem to work. There's a blank file without a name.

Posted: 18.07.2007, 16:37
by Fenerit
Cham, try now here:

This works.

Posted: 18.07.2007, 17:16
by Cham
Thanks, it works.

This model is beautifull. I'll play a bit with it.

You should try to build a cut of some typical volcano, with its lava chamber. I think you have skills for things like this.

Posted: 18.07.2007, 18:11
by Fenerit
I just have planned a cross-section of a volcano, with the chamber and so on. My problem now is the completion of the U_M cross-section: it seem never ending, due to the billion things that would be placed in the model! But step by step...

Posted: 27.07.2007, 00:21
by Fenerit
Just one note about the Upper Mantle textures. Now I'm aware that the "uppermantle.png" texture is a 24 bit .PNG texture. Because the transparency has been assigned to each one single meshes, foundamentally there is not problem as you can see (even a . JPG you should use for this effect); but it should be better that where there are the transparencies, the .PNG to be 32 bit. In the case one want to do this operation, let open the texture above in a photoretouch program and make a layer from backgound of it; then overwrite the texture. Being the most external texture, if it has 24 or 32 bit not affect the result; but for the others the things are a quite differents. The 24 bit's textures are used to "close" the meshes inside that transparent's one; since the "solid" meshes, that is, the meshes in which the transparency has not been assigned from the 3d program but they have, at the same time, a 32 bit texture, become semi-transparent themself when "touched" by that transparent's one; thing that not happen with a 24 bit texture.

Posted: 30.08.2007, 04:57
by Fenerit
Hi! The U_M work in progress add the Lower Mantle.

The model now is a this stage: ... fS0300.jpg ... d30300.jpg ... 3j0300.jpg

This model supersede the extant one. Let make inactive the um_cross_section.SSC file or you will have two models in the same place.

Download here:

The previous link will be removed.

Bye, 8)


Posted: 06.09.2007, 12:43
by Fenerit
Aaaargh! In testing the Celestia version 1.5.0 pre3 (only now, sorry) with my Mantle model, I've found some strange behaviours. For example, in Celestia 1.4.1 the Mantle is so (same ambient lights):

whereas in 1.5.0 pre 3 is so:

and with LUAtools disable:
(similar to 1.4.1 with the except of shineness)

Now, my question is: apart the LUAtools which Vincent, I believe, knows what to be the problem, for the shineness of the model which in the 1.4.1 doesn't appear, this mean perhaps that 1.5.0 pre3 does support the reflectance shaders? That is: phong, gouraud, plastic etc? Since I do not have the time to trick with it now, but when I tricked with it in the past they doesn't had had effect on the result, while now seem to me that 1.5.0 act as into my modeller's rendering (just in OpenGL), I asking for of not having guessed the situation; because I do not like that shineness :evil: and before to accomplish the changes in the reflectance, if I was to have had a reply before, I should work better. Thanks in advance to everyone.

Posted: 06.09.2007, 17:53
by Cham

Celestia 1.5.0 is better at rendering materials (especially metallic surfaces), than Celestia 1.4.2. You need to practice a bit with your modeler and Celestia, to find the best materials for your needs. Personally, the materials I'm defining in my modeler are rendered very nicely in Celestia 1.5.0.