The aim of this trip was to help us with our TPE: Travail Personel Encadr?©, the French equivalent of a Research Project.
We met a astrophysicist who was passionate about this software and warmly recommended that we try and integrate it into our 'End Result'. Looking for every helping hand that we could get, we jumped at the chance.
Our actual project is based on the theoretical/physical existence of Black Holes and we've decided to look at what it would take for our Sun to transform into said object.
We want to integrate a small video/simulation into our project and I was wondering how we would go about Scripting this progression in the life of our sun

Following on from this image, if we consider that the requirements for the formation of a Black hole are based on the mass (1.4 solar masses I believe) then we could envisage the collision of our Sun with another Star or another theoretic addition of Mass to the White Dwarf, and therefore perhaps creating a Black Hole.
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