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Post #81by ElChristou » 24.05.2005, 22:04


I want to know if the actual ssc is good enough... (I don't remember where it come from...). If not, someone can do one? I even don't know the exact size of the shuttle... :oops:

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Post #82by bh » 24.05.2005, 22:44 you have a scenario in mind?...I have several ssc's for the shuttle.

Radius 0.020

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Post #83by sundog » 24.05.2005, 23:33

bh wrote:Radius 0.020

Here ... eral.shtml it states the length as 122.17 feet = 37.23 metres.

So shouldn't it be: Radius 0.037

I'm no ssc or spacecraft expert so could be wrong. ;)

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Post #84by Cham » 24.05.2005, 23:38

sundog wrote:
bh wrote:Radius 0.020

Here ... eral.shtml it states the length as 122.17 feet = 37.23 metres.

So shouldn't it be: Radius 0.037

I'm no ssc or spacecraft expert so could be wrong. ;)


State of the Art Rocket Science :

Length = 37.23 meters

Radius = half length = L/2 = 18.6 meters

so radius approximately 0.020 km.

"Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin", thought Alice; "but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!"

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Post #85by sundog » 25.05.2005, 00:10

Cham wrote:Radius = half length = L/2 = 18.6 meters

Doh, of course it is :roll:

I'ts late here in UK, I was thinking of diameter ;) .... I need some sleep.

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Post #86by ElChristou » 25.05.2005, 00:20

Tx to all of yours...

bh you have a scenario in mind?...I have several ssc's for the shuttle...

Not really... I haven't found yet which mission to illustrate... For now I'm collecting more documents for the payload bay...

If you have a basic ssc just for the orbiting it's ok for me because I really not sure of the one in the prerealease...

Cham M
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Post #87by Cham » 25.05.2005, 00:55

As a scenario, you could represent the encounter of the shuttle with some alien spaceship from the parallel inner world.

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Post #88by selden » 25.05.2005, 09:46

The Atlantis has flown on several classified missions. All that's known are the approximate orbital parameters. They won't say what they did...

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Post #89by Ariane » 25.05.2005, 18:51

Cham wrote:
He bien, he bien, le gar?§on s'est fait prendre les culottes baiss?©es ! Non mais vraiment, quelle bande de machos, ces gamins scientifiques ! Tssk, tssk ! ROFL'N LOL :oops: :roll: :lol: :wink: :twisted: Humm ! Bon d'accord, je m'efface derri??re mon sourrire...

Cool ce forum !
on peut m??me "causer" notre bonne vielle langue....?  savoir le french ! D?©cid?©ment j'aime beaucoup cette communaut?© ! :D :D :D
Au fait ...

Salut Cham !
Au passage je voulais te f?©liciter pour tes addons notamment ceux sur les trous noirs... j'en ai ?©pat?© plus d'un avec ! et surtout les fondus d'Univers (comme moi ... :D !)
F?©licitation donc et mes plus vifs et sinc??res encouragements !


PS: dans le cadres de ma th??se je prend des cours d'anglais (passage oblige pour publier et ??tre connu....) et je suis en train de pr?©parer une pr?©sentation en English:le sujet ?©tant libre (on veut juste nous apprendre ?  bien pr?©senter pour la future soutenance ... :wink:), devine ce que j'ai pris.... Eh oui, les trous noirs ! en fait je l'avais d?©j?  fait en fran?§ais il y a un moment... mais ?  l'?©poque je n'avais pas Celestia et tes addons.... Ca t'ennui si je reprend quelques illustrations ? en citant la source, of course ! Sinon no prob ! j'ai pleins d'autres sources ... mais ce n'est pas Celestia ... :(
Last edited by Ariane on 26.05.2005, 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
Sirius A
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Post #90by Ariane » 25.05.2005, 19:18

t00fri wrote:Ariane, welcome back!
(did you finish your PhD, perhaps?)

Greetings Fridger !
No, my PhD finished only in 2 years, and I'm not hurried ! The naval academy where I'm doing my work is so beautiful !!! Moreover the teatchers are very nice !

With two (academic) woman around myself in the family, I must confess that our "cuisini??re (?©lectrique)" has not been used in fact for years ;-) .

Alors ? on fait moins le malin lorsque les femmes s'en m??lent ? :D
==> Then? one makes less clever when the women interfere themselves ? (but i'm not really sure that the translation is correct 'cause it's an expression ... :P)
Of course I am a bad boy. Everyone here knows that :roll:
Bye Fridger

C'est du joli ! :o
==>Shame on you !!!

Sirius A

"Comes one morning when any man wonder about the meaning of its destiny : <Stars, say why ?> and the Heaven answered <why not ?>" -Hank Mc Coy, XMen-

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Post #91by ElChristou » 25.05.2005, 20:03

Ariane wrote:...Eh oui, les trous noirs ! en fait je l'avais d?©j?  fait en fran?§ais il y a un moment... mais ?  l'?©poque je n'avais pas Celestia et tes addons.... Ca t'ennui si je reprend quelques illustrations ? en citant la source, of course ! Si oui, no prob ! j'ai pleins d'autres sources ... mais ce n'est pas Celestia ... :(

Salut, Ariane

Super garde bien au chaud toute tes sources car le th??me m'int?©resse aussi (bien entendu au niveau de la mod?©lisation... j'suis pas un expert en astrophysique :oops:)... Le travail de Cham est vraiment super, mais j'aimerais faire des d?©riv?©s avec d'autres mod??les de jets (surtout pour la partie finale...)... bref d'autre projet en vue...


Hi, Ariane

Great, keep all your sources from a side cause I'm quite interested in the topic (at the modelisation level, as I'm not an astrophysic expert :oops:)... Cham's work is very impressive, but I want to create other model of jets (principally for the ending)... In brief, more project for the future...


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Post #92by Ariane » 26.05.2005, 07:10

ElChristou wrote:Salut, Ariane

Super garde bien au chaud toute tes sources car le th??me m'int?©resse aussi (bien entendu au niveau de la mod?©lisation... j'suis pas un expert en astrophysique :oops:)... Le travail de Cham est vraiment super, mais j'aimerais faire des d?©riv?©s avec d'autres mod??les de jets (surtout pour la partie finale...)... bref d'autre projet en vue...


Hi, Ariane

Great, keep all your sources from a side cause I'm quite interested in the topic (at the modelisation level, as I'm not an astrophysic expert :oops:)... Cham's work is very impressive, but I want to create other model of jets (principally for the ending)... In brief, more project for the future...


Salut ElChristou...
Whaouoooooo :D
En voila une bonne nouvelle ! je te rassure, je ne suis pas non plus astrophysicienne, juste un g?©ologue passionn?©e par l'Univers, la naissance des ?©toiles et bien sur la formation de notre bonne vielle terre ! J'ai lus pas mal de chose sur les trous noirs vu que le sujet me passionne, et effectivement, niveau mod?©lisation, il y a encore beaucoup ?  explorer ...
Donc si je peux t'aider en quoi que ce soit ... j'en serais tr??s heureuse !!! :D :D

Greetings ElChristou.
cool ! what such a good news ! don't worried, i'm not an astrophysic expert no more, just a geologist found of Univers, birth of stars and of course the formation of our great old earth !
I've read a lot about black hole 8O and indeed there still have a lot of things to explore at a modelisation level.
If I can help you, it will be a pleasure for me ! :) :o :D
Sirius A

"Comes one morning when any man wonder about the meaning of its destiny : <Stars, say why ?> and the Heaven answered <why not ?>" -Hank Mc Coy, XMen-

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Post #93by ElChristou » 26.05.2005, 21:48

Ariane wrote:En voila une bonne nouvelle ! je te rassure, je ne suis pas non plus astrophysicienne, juste un g?©ologue passionn?©e par l'Univers, la naissance des ?©toiles et bien sur la formation de notre bonne vielle terre ! J'ai lus pas mal de chose sur les trous noirs vu que le sujet me passionne, et effectivement, niveau mod?©lisation, il y a encore beaucoup ?  explorer ...
Donc si je peux t'aider en quoi que ce soit ... j'en serais tr??s heureuse !!!

On reparlera de ?§a dans un futur plus ou moins proche :wink:


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Post #94by ElChristou » 26.05.2005, 22:24

To everybody.

Meanwhile I'm working on the cockpit and the payload, you can now download the preliminary model from ML (I have deleted the previous link):


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Post #95by ElChristou » 27.05.2005, 12:53

As the modeling is slowing down due to an overload of regular work, here is the actual state of the filght deck:



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Post #96by bh » 27.05.2005, 22:55

Bloody hell!

Michael Kilderry
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Post #97by Michael Kilderry » 28.05.2005, 01:36

That looks very complex!

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Post #98by selden » 28.05.2005, 04:04

For what it's worth, I've been reviewing my old "Space Shuttle Operators Manual" and the 2001 edition of a history of the shuttle. Both of them show a total of four seats in the cockpit, with two seats in the rear for mission specialists, not just one.

However, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they take one of them out for some flights.

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Post #99by ElChristou » 28.05.2005, 11:51

selden wrote:...However, I wouldn't be a bit surprised if they take one of them out for some flights...

Yes, looking at the floor, there is some "attach points" for a fourth seat... as there is not so much space in this tiny room, I think I will keep 3 seats for better viewing...

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Post #100by ElChristou » 28.05.2005, 20:32

Work in progress: Flight deck: 50% over...

First rendering test in Celestia:



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