End of the world

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End of the world

Post #1by FF7fan » 28.09.2003, 20:11

I was just thinking, could somebody make a thing in celestia when, at a cirtain date, a few asteriods collide with earth and the earth gets destroyed, or at a cirtain date you can watch the sun go supernova and wipe out our entire solar system, and you can go back in time and watch it happen over and over again, i know nothing about creating anything in celestia, it was just a couple ideas i had, if anyone thinks they are worth looking into please email me at FinalFantasy7fan@aol.com thanks!

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Post #2by Ynjevi » 28.09.2003, 21:32

Things like supernova destroying planets could be cool, but AFAIK not possible with Celestia. On the other hand, a supernova with finite speed of light would be cool to watch, seeing same explosion again and again by moving further out. What you think about phenomena like Io's volcanic explosions or meteors blowing on Moon's surface?

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Post #3by FF7fan » 29.09.2003, 01:07

Yeah, that would still be pretty cool to see. I just think complete destruction of a planet would be really cool, but, whatever's possible.


Explosions etc.

Post #4by Guest » 06.10.2003, 00:12

Howdy guys,
Yeah.... if you look back at some older threads there are various requests for Doomsday type of events, Celestia doesn't do any animated kinds of things, like hatches opening, rocket flames, flashing lights. It can do round and round, the Blackhole is the most extreme thing here, and its basically a disc with a spiral on it. there is a U.F.O that spins too. Everything is orbiting around and you can follow and look at things from every possible angle, but thats about it, hence the interest in detail. Its possible to do some more fun things, I have a planet that I have surfaced with a nice picture of an alien lady by Giger (of Alien fame), just make the jpg the right size in paint or whatever and substitute it in the lores folder of a suitably boring outer planet, it makes a nice change.
have fun

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Post #5by Don. Edwards » 06.10.2003, 11:50

While on the doomsday topic.
I found it interesting that we seem to have two predictions for the Earth as we know it to end in the year 2012. While those interested in the bible code might find it interesting that they seem to have come up with 2012 as the year that ends the world. According to the bible code researchers they say the year 2012 comes up and that it says it’s caused by a comet. Now I myself find the whole bible code thing dubious at best, but there is another culture that says the world as we know it will end the same year. The Mayans calendar says the "World As We Know It" ends December 23, 2012. Know one really knows what this means. They are not sure if it means the world as a total ends or it means we go into another human era that changes everything before it. Interesting that the same year comes up in very different cultures. Although the bible code date could just be a nice random mathematical fluke the Mayan date is etched in stone. I know some of will say that many people used to think that the year 2000 was going to be the end of the world. But the Mayans actually have a real date for this not just a year but actual day. Makes one kind of step back and wonder what seems so important about 2012. To bad we can’t go back and talk to some Mayan priests about this.
Well this was for a diversion anyway.

Don. Edwards
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Post #6by Cormoran » 06.10.2003, 12:13

It's the end of the world as we know it.....do we all feel fine??

I guess if they find a Near Earth Asteroid which has a chance of impacting in 2012, then we can panic, watch the governments dither about what to do about it, and then put our heads between our legs and kiss our butts goodbye 8O

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Post #7by ElPelado » 06.10.2003, 13:20

Abou the year 2000, many was saying that the world will end, but my mother told me that she also heard someone talking that it will not be the end of the world, but many many people will die. and i think that many people have died since teh year 2000: the concord crash, the many other plane accidents, the twin towers terrorist attack, the wars in afghanistan and irak....... and many other things i cant remember right now...

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Post #8by JackHiggins » 06.10.2003, 20:37

I really hate all these doomsday prediction people...
The most likely things to end the world in the next few years is a big asteroid hitting us (which we may know about beforehand) or the yellowstone super-volcano. If either of these thing is going to happen, it'll be scientists who tell us about them, not the doomsday people... They've been wrong EVERY time before!!

Of course there's also the Y5B bug, which could be a bit of a problem... http://www.y5b.com/
- Jack Higgins
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Post #9by Ynjevi » 07.10.2003, 06:09

Well, Mayas knew that world will end on December 21, 2012. Time to get ready for it. :P

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Post #10by Don. Edwards » 07.10.2003, 09:18

Oops! Maybe I was off a few days. Hmmm. That’s on the winter solstice. Maybe it is their calendar just coming to an end after all.
As for a rouge asteroid or comet hitting the Earth, here is my opinion.
I feel that if the governments of the world really knew that one was going to hit they wouldn't tell us anything about it until the very last moment. It would cause a world-wide panic and crash the entire economy of the world. The governments would loose control over the populations. This isn't good for them. So in the end we wouldn't here about it until it was just about to happen. Of course this is much easier to achieve with an asteroid than a comet. I mean everyone will see a comet months before it happens and even a high school kid that is good in math could probably calculate its path. So if it was a comet there would really be no hiding the facts up until the last months before impact. But an asteroid can be kept secret up until it is too late. They are very dark for the most part so they can’t easily be seen as we have found out many times now in the past few years. It’s all a matter of power and who wants to stay in power. If you reveal knowledge like this you loose your power and chaos then takes over.
Again it is just my opinion on things. But this is how the world really works is it not?

Don. Edwards
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Post #11by ElPelado » 07.10.2003, 14:14

Jack Wrote:
the yellowstone super-volcano

what is it??



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Post #12by Ynjevi » 07.10.2003, 15:16

ElPelado wrote:Jack Wrote:
the yellowstone super-volcano
what is it??

Yellowstone is a huge caldera (80x65 km) of a gigantic volcano which has exploded three times in the past 2.1 million years much more powerfully than any modern volcano.

See Yellowstone Volcano Observatory FAQ

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Post #13by Don. Edwards » 07.10.2003, 20:20

Yes and it is not the only one in North America. Long Valley in California just east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, south of Mono Lake is also a known caldera. As a matter of fact they new about the Long Valley caldera long before they figured out about Yellowstone. It can cause just as strong of an eruption and has done so in the past as well. Back in the 80's after Mount St. Helens blew it started to show sings of activity again. The ground in the valley floor lifted over 25 centimeters in one year. So both of these super volcanoes can cause allot of damage. If anyone hear in the forum is from California and they ski at Mammoth Mountain ski resort they are skiing on one of the Long Valley Caldera's offspring. One thing that makes it a little different than Yellowstone is that Long Valley Caldera is ringed by volcanoes. These are believed to be like pressure relief valves but it still can blow like Yellowstone can. I am not sure of its dimensions but its close in size to Yellowstone. I would have to see a comparison on a map for sure. There are a few of these Caldera type volcanoes known so many more of them can be hiding under the oceans as well. These underwater calderas may not affect the surface quite as much as an above ground version but they can generate large tsunamis. Just a few tidbits for you to chew on.
Here are some links so you can see what this is about.
Long Valley Caldera USGS
Yellowstone Caldera
http://vulcan.wr.usgs.gov/Volcanoes/Yel ... stone.html

Don. Edwards
I am officially a retired member.
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Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post #14by FF7fan » 14.11.2003, 00:58

Wow, within the past few months people actually posted to this, i havent really had time to look at it and when i did i forgot, but yeah its cool about all the stuff people are saying, although it is a bit off the topic of celestia, but still interesting stuff all right....interesting stuff indeed....

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Post #15by epsilon32xx » 12.01.2005, 20:29

Don. Edwards, that sounds a lot like the Inca belief that the world would end on December 21st, 2012 (which just happens to be a winter solstice). They believed that at noon on that day, the sun would be in the exact center of the "Life Tree" (actually the Milky way). The "life tree" was the conduit, if you will, to the afterlife. At this moment, the conduit would open, bringing an end to our world. A new one would be created, and the cycle would repeat for eternity (they believed that our world was created by this same method, as well). They must have been pretty good with astronomy, because I looked on an Celestia from earth at noon on that day, and the sun was in the exact center!

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Post #16by maxim » 13.01.2005, 11:51

It were the Mayas not the Inkas.
The reason for that date is that their caledar ends there. The mayas calendar has a cycle equal to a full prececcion turn of the earths axis (about 21000 years - I don't remember well). So either they were good at astronomy or they had much much time to watch even slight changes in the sky.


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Post #17by epsilon32xx » 13.01.2005, 15:17

Thanks for the correction. And their calendar ends there because of the sun-in-the-Milky Way thing.

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Post #18by maxim » 13.01.2005, 22:13

epsilon32xx wrote:And their calendar ends there because of the sun-in-the-Milky Way thing.

Yes, they had to involve some reference frame.
So when they found out, that the precessing cycle is some 20000 years, they had to place their actual age far enough from the beginning that no one - not even myths - can remember anything. And they had to place it some time before the end, so that there is no actual danger, even for dozens of generations into the future, but close enough that people will not ignore it totally.

Well, and picturing the sun in the center of the milkyway is a real nice symbol, so why not use it?


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