I tried your model.
I have many comments on it. It's a nice start, but in my opinion, the model is too crude for any use in Celestia right now, especially if we compare it to all the other satellite models from Jack's site.
First, the small details on the central box are too much colorised. I think the real satellite is all covered in a light gray glossy material. I saw some pictures on the web where it is shown all gray and shinny.
Second, the details are really not the same as on the real thing. There are some small spheres and reactors on the real object, and they should appears on your model.
Third, you should add the frame under the large cover, which fix it to the central box, like on the real object. This would make the model much more interesting to look at.
Fourth, a long antenna (?) is missing on the central box.
Here's a usefull link about the probe :
http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/the_mission ... esign.html
Also, go to that page, to see many nice 3D representations of the real thing :
http://messenger.jhuapl.edu/the_mission ... ssion.html
"Well! I've often seen a cat without a grin", thought Alice; "but a grin without a cat! It's the most curious thing I ever saw in all my life!"