Thebe Crater Location

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Thebe Crater Location

Post #1by Brendan » 05.01.2004, 06:17

The crater Zethus on Thebe was mentioned so I tried to put a location for it on Thebe.

Code: Select all

Location "Zethus" "Sol/Jupiter/Thebe"
   LongLat [ -175 10 0 ]
   Size 40
   Type "AA"

But I can't see it. 3ds models can have locations on them because I saw one on Phobos and one on Proteus. :?


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Post #2by granthutchison » 05.01.2004, 08:15

Two potential problems:
1) At present, Locations display 180 degrees out of longitude alignment on 3ds objects, so you need to make that a longitude of -355 to position the label correctly.
2) If you're using Jestr's model, its principal axes may not be aligned to the Celestia standard, so more tweaking might be required.


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Post #3by jestr » 05.01.2004, 15:18

For a quick fix ,change the z coordinate from 0 to 5 or 10,sometimes the labels are under surface of the models.I just tried your code with my latest model of Thebe
and it works OK,though maybe not bang in the middle of the crater.Cheers Jestr

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