Wow! Cool work Chris - and you others too, of course. So I started downloading all these textures and addons I found on the web, to enhance the basic distribution and enjoy my space explorations. Several days and about 1.5 GBytes later I had, what most of the newbies of you also found to have on their computers:
Hundreds of textures, .ssc-files, models, trajectory-files and so on. No more overview of what I have and what not. Double and triple entries of the same space object, cluttering up the view in Celestia. Several versions of the same .ssc-files with different textures and models that had to be replaced, but are lost somewhere in the textures and models folders. In fact I was so occupied by keeping all these unter countrol, that I had not much time for enjoying any space travelling in celestia.
So I made a break and started to do a structural analysis, to find a way to organize the whole material in a manner, that could be suitable not only for me but for everyone of you out there. To my opinion this could also be a basis for a Addon CVS-Structure and, in extend, for an addon manager. Also there will be a compilation of my collected Celestia Tools and Addons available (about 1.5GB, fits easily on DVD) which uses this structure in the extras folder.
Finally here is my proposal of an organization structure for the extras-folder of celestia - with explanations:
The available celestia addons and textures groups together into different blocks. The most basic I've found is the level of reality, so the first level of subfolders are:
Code: Select all
extras --+-- fantasy
+-- fiction
+-- real
========== FANTASY ==============================
'fantasy' is the folder for all these fantasy worlds you've created as well as all the spacecrafts from different SciFi movies and serials. By now I haven't found any other kind of fantasy-creations than solarsystems and spacecrafts, so that folder is divided this way:
Code: Select all
fantasy --+-- solarsystems
+-- spacecrafts
The subfolders structures then would be some of this (here my own compilation):
Code: Select all
fantasy --+-- solarsystems --+-- Alrescha
| +-- Altair
| +-- Ringworld
| +-- StarWars
| +-- V380
| +-- Vulcan Space
+-- spacecrafts --+-- 2001 Odyssee
+-- Celestia1Spaceship
+-- Space Lift
+-- Star Trek Spaceships
Inside these named folders there would follow the usual structure of
The spacecraft-folder here is not subdivided, as it is inside the 'real'-folder (see later in this text), because often different crafts and objects, forming one common fantasy-universe, are grouped together in the definition files, an it's unlikely that some of them are individually or frequently altered or updated (This reminds me that I've never got 'Space Lift' to work. Celestia always freezes when it comes into sight).
========== FICTION ==============================
'fiction' is the folder for all space- or universe-structures that are sientifically proposed, foresaid or known but not individually identified or pictured yet. This includes for example 'black holes', 'pulsars', 'dark matter', 'energetic flows', 'protostars' and similar.
This means that, for example, one or serveral different conceptual views of a black hole are kept here - NOT an individual black hole that may be once known by coordinates, mass and/or impulse - this would go into the 'real'-folder, even if the visualizing textures of it are fictious. The same refers for example to known extrasolar planets.
This folder holds the same subfolders as the 'real'-folder:
Code: Select all
fiction --+-- clusters
+-- galaxies
+-- nebulae
+-- singletons
+-- solarsystems
These are the basic hierachical structures, that I've found are building space. They will be discused further down. At present there are only two folder that is data avaliable for, so this is as it looks like on my system:
Code: Select all
fiction --+-- clusters --+-- M4
+-- solarsystems --+-- Black Hole
+-- Dark Matter Simulation
+-- protostar
As you see, it's not so easy to decide what goes where.
M4 is an existing cluster, so it should go (as stated above) into the 'real'-folder. But as all of it's stars are computer-generated and totally fictious in position, size and class, it'll stay here in the 'fiction'-folder.
The black hole and the dark matter are, in priciple, singletons - that means they should not be connected to any star. But celestia presently does not support the existence of objects other than stars on the same hierachical level. So the are in fact bound to a star and thus go into 'solarsystems'-folder until this changes.
========== REAL ================================
The folder 'real' holds the most of celestias addons. So it has to be subdivided according to the 'natural' hierachy of objects.
Code: Select all
real --+-- clusters
+-- galaxies
+-- nebulae
+-- singletons
+-- solarsystems
In fact this is not quite correct. The universal hierarchy is about:
'galaxy clusters' -
'galaxies' -
I think we can ignore 'galaxie clusters' as they are build from galaxies and have, beside of that, no (celestia-)usable center, rotation or other common structure. Well, you can of course break up all existing galaxy-definition files into the cluster parts, and then put these into different subfolders in a 'galaxie cluster'-folder. Perhaps this will happen in the future if the galaxy rendering is polished up. Also, for perfect hierarchy, all other nongalactic-subfolders seen here should go into a subfolder like this:
Code: Select all
galaxies --+-- milkyway --+-- clusters
| +-- nebulae
| +-- singletons
| +-- solarsstems
... others
I didn't do that, because it would be a permanently unused level of hierarchy. We do in fact (as far as I know) not know anything about nebulae, stars or any other detailed structures in other galaxies, so every non-galactic folder here refers automatically our galaxy. I had to break up several existing definition files - specially some of Selden's - to distrube them into this structural order. An example what's inside these folders:
Code: Select all
real ---+-- galaxies --+-- M81
| .-- galaxies_extended.dsc
| .-- ...
+-- nebulae --+-- IC434
| +-- IC4703
| +-- M1
... +-- M17
+-- M97
+-- NGC2237 Rosetta Nebula
+-- NGC2392
+-- ...
---------- SOLARSYSTEMS ----------------------------------------
Now we have to look more detailed onto the 'solarsystems'-folder. By now it contains only the sunsystem and a summarizing folder for all others:
Code: Select all
solarsystem --+-- extrasolar
+-- sunsystem --+-- asteroids
+-- comets
+-- locations
+-- moons
+-- planets
+-- spacecrafts
The sunsystem itself contains a folder for every object that could be in it. The same should be provided for every extrasolar system as soon as there is data for it avaliable. There is a hierachical break with 'moons' and 'locations' that will be discussed later. Asteriods are subdivided into some groups:
Code: Select all
asteroids --+-- belts
+-- near earth objects
+-- singletons
'comets' aren't subdivided any further.
'locations' should hold some general location-definition files. Special location-files that probably are based on a certain alternate surface texture should go into a location-folder of the appropriate planet.
'moons' have the same hierachical level as planets, because I've discovered that for me it's much easier to remember a moons name than the planet he's revolving around. That's not consequent I know. Perhaps this will change somewhen in the future.
'planets' hold at least two subfolder:
Code: Select all
planets --+-- surfaces
+-- locations
'surfaces' for all alternativ surface textures along with the definition file.
'locations' as stated above.
Other things go directly into the 'planets'-mainfolder.
---------- SPACECRAFTS ----------------------------------------
So there are still 'spacecrafts' to look at. I think they could be completely divided into those groups (without gaps left):
Code: Select all
spacecrafts --+-- ground stuff
+-- probes
+-- satellites
+-- space stations
+-- spaceships
For every type there are two subgroups. Example:
Code: Select all
satellites --+-- fleets
+-- singles
So for example the shuttles are a fleet of spaceships, Globalstar is a fleet of satellites, and pioneer is a fleet of probes. If you like you can regard for example all geostationaries also as a fleet.
A part of my spacecraft folder looks like this:
Code: Select all
spacecrafts --+-- ground stuff
+-- probes --+-- gallileo
| +-- genesis
| +-- huygens
| +-- magellan
| +-- mariner
| +-- nozomi
| +-- pioneer
| +-- sirtf
| +-- ...
+-- satellites
+-- space stations --+-- iss
| +-- mir
| +-- salyut
| +-- skylab
+-- spaceships
========== TEXTURES ============================================
Finally, also the textures in the texure folders should have an appropriate structure. Unfortunately celestia allows only for 'lowres', 'medres' and 'hires' subfolders. So if you want to keep control over your textures you have to store them all in an extra structure and copy these around that you want to use. I hope this will change in the future.
My proposed texture organizing structure would be like that:
Code: Select all
textures --+-- lowres
+-- 1k
+-- 2k
+-- 4k
+-- 8k
+-- 16k
+-- 32k
+-- 64k
+-- ...
I hope it is obvious what the different subfolders mean. Inside the folders are the 'normal' textures of that size and two subfolders for the special versions:
Code: Select all
4k --+-- DDS
+-- VT
.-- earth.jpg
This allows to differ easy between textures avaliable for NVIDIA-Systems and Non-NVIDIA-Systems. Of course there could be used more subfoldering to group several planets textures or anything else.
A last thing to mention:
The way for including and excluding addons for celestia should not be copying them around. Instead I rename the proper definition file(s) from *.ssc to * (and back) so it won't be recognized by celestia. Perhaps this could become a common way, as long as celetia doesn't provide a tree-structure where single addons can be checked on and off.
Well that was a long posting. There are some other plans, as to comment the
definition files in a javadoc manner with parser readable tags like
@ author
@ version
@ id
@ date
so it would be possible to autodocument addons, autodetect doubles and automatically compare two different celestia extra-folders for synchronizing them. But this will go in an extra posting.
So far, greetings & waiting for comments,