M1, The Crab Nebula

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M1, The Crab Nebula

Post #1by killeen » 13.06.2003, 12:09

Hi all,

My second post today, my second add-on !

You can download it at http://membres.lycos.fr/killeen3/Index.html

Please have a look at the screenshots :



Enjoy !
Last edited by killeen on 24.06.2003, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Post #2by jamarsa » 13.06.2003, 12:19

Good job!!

And you are already doing this work only a week after joining? This forum is going to be a populated place with you all skilled modellers!!

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Post #3by jamarsa » 13.06.2003, 13:05

IMHO, however, you should edit out the stars... and let Celestia take care of them. If there are not stars defined in the catalog, you could add a globular cluster with Rassilon's utility.

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Post #4by killeen » 13.06.2003, 15:05

I've already tried one model of the nebula for myself, with the stars removed, but as celestia doesn't have these stars in database (even almost no information on SIMBAD database) it doesn't look real.

I didn't try Rassilon Globular cluster generator yet ; is there a way to find the good positions of stars with this utility ?

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Post #5by killeen » 13.06.2003, 18:58

If you can't download by this URL, please go directly on my Website :

See you !

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Post #6by jamarsa » 13.06.2003, 19:32

killeen wrote:I didn't try Rassilon Globular cluster generator yet ; is there a way to find the good positions of stars with this utility ?

Nope, it generates a random globular cluster. (If I understood well).
I don't know about real stars database of that zone, as I'm no astronomer. :(

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Post #7by selden » 13.06.2003, 21:09

Simbad is your friend :) http://simbad.u-strasbg.fr/sim-fid.pll

Simbad is a database of catalogs which can generate a plot of electromagnetic sources around any location on the sky.

It lists something like 30 UV sources within 10 arc minutes around M1 (the Crab Nebula), for example. Presumably that's the result of a UV survey of the area. Some of them surely correspond to some of the hundreds of stars in that region. Simbad provides precise equatorial (and galactic) coordinates for the catalogued objects, but it doesn't have any distances.

There's also a "high proper motion" star in that region.

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Post #8by killeen » 14.06.2003, 11:06

I've used the SIMBAD database for a correct locating and orientation of the Nebula.
You're right, there are many UV sources aroud the visible part of the nebula, but regarding the picture of the Nebula, most of the stars we can see are not referenced in the database. Then If I delete them from the picture, it would be difficult to place random stars correctly.
Regarding the UV sources, there are no information about distance and magnitude, then trying to create the neighbourhood of the Nebula would be huge and anyway unreal.
But I can try for the visiual effects...


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Post #9by killeen » 24.06.2003, 09:35


I have an update to propose you :
- The Crab Nebula has now a stars cluster showing the nearby stars with exact location (~30 new stars extracted from the SIMBAD database)
- Locating of the Nebula is corrected to fit exactly the position of the other objects
- Orientation corrected in the same purpose

You can find it on my Website :


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Post #10by jamarsa » 24.06.2003, 10:24

Fine Job!!


Post #11by guest » 01.07.2003, 23:10

I just put in your crab nebula. It looks great. :lol:

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