ICE (International Cometary Explorer) xyz's & model

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ICE (International Cometary Explorer) xyz's & model

Post #1by JackHiggins » 24.06.2003, 21:33

Hey all

I recently discovered a page called HelioWeb on the NSSDC giving Heliocentric coords for various old spacecraft. I converted their degree format into xyz, and I made some models too- the first of which is the International Cometary Explorer spacecraft. The xyz runs from 1978 to 1997, during which the craft encountered Halley, and the -slightly- lesser known 21P/Giacobini-Zinner... I have xyz's for those on my site too. (That's btw)

So here are the screenshots...

Download the ICE model & xyz from the Spacecraft page on my site, and the Giacobini-Zinner & Halley xyz's from the Other xyz's & ssc's page. I realise that the HelioWeb coords aren't perfect, so don't come complaining to me... (Don't go complaining to them either though i found them very helpful when asking about some other stuff)

Enjoy! :D
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
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Jeam Tag M
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Post #2by Jeam Tag » 25.06.2003, 13:37

Hi Jack (good work, again :D , hi Celestians

As usual, for my personnal back-up of your works, i hadded a little comment in french in the "install" or "readme" file, for remenber what the engin is:

Lanc?e le 12 ao?t 1978, la 3i?me sonde du programme International Sun-Earth Explorer s'est plac?e en orbite elliptique au point Lagrange 1 entre la Terre et le Soleil (qu'elle fut la premi?re
? utiliser) pour ?tudier les vents solaires et leur interaction avec notre plan?te. Cette mission achev?e en 1982, elle fut renomm?e International Comet Explorer et dirig?e vers la com?te 21P/Giacobini-Zimmer dont elle traversa la queue de plasma le 11 septembre 1985.
Plac?e en orbite circumsolaire en 1991 elle poursuivit l'analyse des ?jections de la couronne et les radiations cosmiques jusqu'au 5 mai 1997, fin officielle de la mission.
Voir: ... isee3.html

1/ Is this note correct? (french speakers: qu'en pensez-vous?)
2/ Is this little stuffs can interest the Celestia community? so i can post the other little french notices that i wrote for my own archives.

Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #3by Evil Dr Ganymede » 25.06.2003, 18:34

ICE! Cool!!! We had a poster of that on our wall for ages in the planetary science office... never thought I'd see that here! ;)

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Post #4by AstroBoy » 26.06.2003, 01:34

I recently discovered a page called HelioWeb on the NSSDC giving Heliocentric coords for various old spacecraft.

Does it has Giotto encounter with Halley ?

You're doing a great work !! I really like to see past an present misson (with related 3d mesh).

Keep going on...

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Location: People's Republic Of Cork, Ireland

Post #5by JackHiggins » 26.06.2003, 21:00

AstroBoy wrote:
I recently discovered a page called HelioWeb on the NSSDC giving Heliocentric coords for various old spacecraft.
Does it has Giotto encounter with Halley ?

You're doing a great work !! I really like to see past an present misson (with related 3d mesh).

Keep going on...

Unfortunately Giotto's trajectory begins in 1992 on that page... I asked them bout it & the guy who replied didn't think they could get any more for Giotto... But they did fix the Sakigake xyz for me it had a big error...

These coords arent the best though, so don't trust them to be entirely accurate...
- Jack Higgins

Jack's Celestia Add-ons

And visit my Celestia Gallery too!

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