Here's what the atmosphere codes look like used on both planets:
Code: Select all
Height 1000
Mie 0.0025
MieScaleHeight 27
MieAsymmetry -0.005
Rayleigh [ 0.0041 0.0037 0.0025]
Absorption [ 0.00035 0.000225 0.00015 ]
Code: Select all
Height 1000
Mie 0.0025
MieScaleHeight 27
MieAsymmetry -0.005
Rayleigh [ 0.000866 0.000824 0.000749 ]
Absorption [ 0.00050 0.00070 0.00100 ]
These atmosphere codes are best used with the true-color texture maps of Jupiter and Saturn made by me, fyr02, and Askaniy, which you can find on our respective Deviantart accounts:
My True-Color Jupiter Textures
Fyr02's True-Color Saturn Textures
Askaniy's True-Color Jupiter and Saturn Textures
(Except for Askaniy's "Jupiter 1979 intermediate map - Voyager 1." The atmosphere is not compatable with that texture.)