Do .OBJ templates work?

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Do .OBJ templates work?

Post #1by Betegelge » 14.01.2022, 02:05

Well, the lactea addon is difficult but... I have a question: do the .OBJ models work?? because I'm thinking of creating a sombrero galaxy addon and to be faster, I think .OBJ would make it easier
Sombrero galaxy
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Post #2by SevenSpheres » 14.01.2022, 02:17

Celestia doesn't directly support obj models, but the cmodview utility does, and can be used to convert obj to cmod. On Windows, you can also convert obj to cmod using the 3D modeling program Anim8or with a plugin created by Selden, as described in this thread.
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Celestia versions: 1.5.1, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.0, and some unofficial versions like Celestia-ED

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