45 bright comets (SPICE orbits)

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45 bright comets (SPICE orbits)

Post #1by Limax7 » 10.03.2020, 15:09

Hi, I use JPL/Horizons telnet to add 45 bright comets from 1995 year to today.
Time span are from 1 Oct. 1995 to 1 Jan 2050

You can change visibility of this comets changing Beginning an Ending date.

To select comets i use great Seiic Yoshida page:

45 bright comets.png

Here is the list of this 45 comets:

Code: Select all

2P   Encke
8P   Tuttle
10P   Tempel 2
17P   Holmes
21P   Giacobini-Zinner
41P   Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak
45P   Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova
46P   Wirtanen
73P   Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
103P   Hartley 2
153P   Ikeya-Zhang
C_1995 O1   Hale-Bopp
C_1996 B2   Hyakutake
C_1996 Q1   Tabur
C_2000 WM1   LINEAR
C_2001 A2   LINEAR
C_2001 Q4   NEAT
C_2002 F1   Utsunomiya
C_2002 O6   SWAN
C_2002 T7   LINEAR
C_2002 V1   NEAT
C_2002 X5   Kudo-Fujikawa
C_2004 F4   Bradfield
C_2004 Q2   Machholz
C_2006 A1   Pojmanski
C_2006 M4   SWAN
C_2006 P1   McNaught
C_2007 N3   Lulin
C_2009 P1   Garradd
C_2009 R1   McNaught
C_2011 L4   PanSTARRS
C_2012 F6   Lemmon
C_2012 K1   PanSTARRS
C_2012 S1   ISON
C_2013 R1   Lovejoy
C_2013 US10   Catalina
C_2013 X1   PanSTARRS
C_2014 E2   Jacques
C_2014 Q2   Lovejoy
C_2015 V2   Johnson
C_2017 T2   PanSTARRS
C_2018 Y1   Iwamoto
C_2019 Y1   ATLAS
C_2019 Y4   ATLAS

and the add-on to Celestia :)
45 bright comets
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Adam Hurcewicz
Bialystok, Poland

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Post #2by Lafuente_Astronomy » 10.03.2020, 22:38

That one looks good!
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