Any new Jupiter textures from Juno?

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Any new Jupiter textures from Juno?

Post #1by fsgregs » 09.11.2017, 18:46

Juno has been active since it arrived in Jupiter space this past summer. Since then, it has taken some spectacular photos of Jupiter, showing details of clouds never seen before, particularly near the poles. Here is one such view.


Has JPL or NASA released a new HD texture map of Jupiter based on Juno images? If not, have they announced their intention to do so?


FarGetaNik M
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Post #2by FarGetaNik » 09.11.2017, 19:19

The problem is that Juno's point of view doesn't really allow it to obtain data suited for global mosaics. I've seen some amateur attempts to reproject the images into maps, but the coverage is poor and the lighting is terrible. The image you posted is easily reprojected to show polar features, like this one by Snowfall:

In the meantime Hubble has been observing Jupiter, and the closest thing you will get to a Juno map is Hubble data aquired during that timeframe, like my 2017 Jupiter texture:

John Van Vliet
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Post #3by John Van Vliet » 10.11.2017, 03:41

i can inpaint the areas being blended in


each set of very ODD image format data is 24 days apart
this will only make a somewhat synthetic texture

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