Selden, thanks! I use an 8Kx8K surface map and Cylindrical projection is not working for me.
I had to use Spherical projection...
By the way I managed to avoid using 3ds format with Anim8tor. I use the obj format to create meshes in Blender, after that I use Anim8tor to open it (not import it) and apply textures to it. The exported obj file can be opened in cmodview, the saved cmod file can be fixed in cmodconverter, and after that I can edit the ascii file...
Added after 11 minutes 27 seconds:Can you apply a normalmap texture to a torus?
It's not working for me...not even with a dxt5nm texture...
Added after 49 minutes 15 seconds:Torusworld with specular lights and a moving cloud layer:
Torusworld 002.png