The Sky and moons of Eberron

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The Sky and moons of Eberron

Post #1by jonbens » 27.03.2017, 02:11

HI. I had tried down loadable content that was supposed to allow Celestia to show the moons and ring in the skies of Eberron, The D&D Campaign world. I cant see to get it to work, not sure where I'm supposed to be saving the files I down loaded and also pretty new to the program. Any help would be appreciated. :help:

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Post #2by jogad » 27.03.2017, 14:59


Welcome, jonbens.
If you expect some help, please be precise.
- Which add-on is it and where did you downloaded it from ?
- Also tell what you have done with the downloaded file.

Generally an add-on is a zip file that you have to decompress in the celestia\extras directory, respecting the original directory tree of the add-on.

Btw, the add-on development topic is not the most appropriate place to request help.
Rather post in the help topic.


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Post #3by john71 » 27.03.2017, 18:29

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Post #5by selden » 28.03.2017, 22:58
(214.74 KiB) Downloaded 351 times

Here's a crude Eberron Addon. The stc and ssc catalogs were copied from the Web page that john71 found.

Expand this zip file into your Extras folder. Eberron.html (in the Addon's main directory) provides Cel: URLs to take you to three of them.

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Post #6by jonbens » 29.03.2017, 01:53

OK, I did that , then what? not sure how to get the celestia program to show the info. Thanks for the info so far though

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Post #7by selden » 29.03.2017, 02:51

I'm not sure what you mean by "show the info". Exactly what info are you referring to?

There's nothing really special about the Eberron Addon except for the details. You can view it using whatever Celestia commands you want. The file eberron_readme.txt that I included in the Addon includes an example of some Celestia commands that you might use.

The Addon defines three stars: Eberronspace, Ebersun and Dol Arrah, as are described in the Eberron forum thread linked up above. (The thread describes three competing definitions of the Eberron planetary system.) Each of those stars has a planet named Eberron orbiting around it. Each of those planets has a large number of moons orbiting around it. You can use Celestia to select any one of those stars, then go to the planet Eberron orbiting around that star and watch its moons orbiting around Eberron. This is done in the same way that you'd use Celestia to go to Jupiter or Saturn and watch their moons, for example.

I included an HTML file containing a few CEL://URLs to help you get started. Open that html file with your favorite browser, click on whichever link you want and it'll open Celestia and take you to the viewpoint specified by that URL. Your browser might ask you if you really want a URL to invoke an external program (Celestia in this case).

Below is a screengrab of what you might see when using the last URL in the HTML file.


If you aren't familiar with Celestia, please download one of the Celestia User Guides and work through some of its examples. The User's Guide is available in several different languages at

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Post #8by Gregory » 26.04.2017, 19:21

selden, I got the addon of Eberron, but some of the textures aren't on here.
There are blank moons orbiting the planets, and they shouldn't be blank.
Many textures weren't even installed on the addon other than the main planets in the system and 2 moons, but that's it.

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Post #9by selden » 27.04.2017, 10:26

Unfortunately, the Eberron thread that John71 found seems to be only a partial copy of the thread that was on the original WOTC Web forum. It doesn't include any of the surface texture images needed for the moons. Those moons in the Addon which have visible surfaces are just reusing surface texture images of various moons of our own Solar System which are already included in Celestia.

There seem to be several DnD Forums which include discussions of Eberron. If you haven't already, you should ask in one or more of them if anyone can provide those maps. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if some of the original contributors are active in them and could help.

Many of the Eberron discussions can be found by doing a Web search for the two words Eberron and forum. You probably can find some of the moons' maps by doing a Web search for the names of the moons and selecting the "Image" option.

I'm not involved in DnD, so I'm reluctant to spend much of my time doing that research for you, but if you can find the maps, it wouldn't be very hard to include them in the Addon.

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Post #10by selden » 29.04.2017, 16:14

Despite my comments above, I did some searching and found a Celestia Addon which is available from the Archive service. It includes a few low-res surface textures for the moons.*/http:/ ... com/files/Eberron_Celestia.rar

Caveat: this addon works best only under Windows. The names of many of its surface textures don't agree in case with the names specified in its SSC catalog, causing them not to be drawn under MacOS and Linux.

Added after 11 hours 28 minutes:
I couldn't resist....
Here's my v4 of the Eberron addon. It includes surface textures for the moons as well as a revised (but far from perfect) map of Eberron. I fixed the names of the texture images, so it should work under any operating system that Celestia runs on.
(1.46 MiB) Downloaded 307 times

Here's a view of Eberron's sky in the very early morning:


John Van Vliet
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Post #11by John Van Vliet » 01.05.2017, 05:36


one can remap the orthographic view to simple cylindrical like this

-- after inpainting

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Post #12by selden » 01.05.2017, 09:15


What software did you use to do that?

I've been using MMPS, but its algorithms leave lots of streaks.

John Van Vliet
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Post #13by John Van Vliet » 01.05.2017, 15:54

i first edited the orthographic view ( inpainted the labels and cropped out the background)

then remapped in ISIS3 using " map2map" after importing the raw ortho view image

but gdalwarp should have no problem once you create a geolocated virtual map

then inpainted the image using "resysenthizer" in gimp

mmps also can do this

Code: Select all

MMPSproject -i orthographic -w 1024 -h 512 -f ddWest1.ppm   -out 123.ppm

the project program has a name collision


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