A better version of our Solar System

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A better version of our Solar System

Post #1by Enio » 01.05.2008, 16:30

In my point of view, the Solar System should be: ( maybe such type of system could exist )

The Sun should be a little colder. Being a bit colder and smaller, the Sun would stay in main sequence for more time and produce less ultraviolet. Maybe our Solar System should have 2 stars orbiting close each other, a K5V and M2V star, both stars would produce heat compared to our Sun, and Earth wouldn't need to orbit closer.

Earth should have another name, like Wateria, Landia, I don't know. Our moon should be bigger and denser to have at least some atmosphere. Such bigger moon would have some vulcanism and would be more interesting to explore, and maybe easier to colonize.

For me, Venus should be at the same distance as Mars to the Sun, and Mars should orbit Venus. Venus would be colder, allowing life and the fact that Mars would be orbiting Venus would heat it's core, and so Mars would turn to have vulcanism again, being hotter and maybe also having magnetic field, because of the tidal heating caused by Venus. Mercury should be closer to Earth to allow humans to go there and extract minerals. Let's see...

Maybe Jupiter should be smaller. It would continue to have it's moons. Being smaller, it wouldn't disrupt or destroy other planets near it, and the asteroid belt would be a planet, maybe a big one, earth-sized or mars-sized. In my point of view, Jupiter mass should be between Uranus and Saturn. Jupiter should have balloon creatures floating in it's atmosphere. Europa should have ( maybe it really have ) an ocean under the icy crust, having many complex animals living there, and maybe aquatic intelligent beings. Not only Europa, but also other moons.

Saturn would be the biggest planet in the solar system. It should be a bit closer to the Sun and Titan should be bigger, at least mars or earth sized. Being Titan bigger and more dense, it's gravity would be bigger, keeping more air pressure. So, it would be a bit hotter. Being hotter, even below melting point of water, chemical reactions would be faster, allowing life in ethane, ammonia or water-ammonia ocean on the surface.
Iapetus, because of it's strange shape for it's size, should be a big spaceship, built by Titans or by a lost human civilization ( Atlantida, Lemuria... ) in the past. see: http://www.enterprisemission.com/moon1.htm

As for Uranus and Neptune I don't mind much because for me they are not so important. If Uranus had some importance, it should have at least one moon like Europa, with liquid ocean under in icy crust. Maybe Pluto and Charon should orbit Uranus, both being moons with under oceans. Neptune, at least, have Triton, an Europa-like moon with some importance. I think that more planetoids in the Kuiper belt, like Quaoar, Ixion, Sedna... should orbit both Neptune and Uranus. These 2 planets would be more interesting to explore.

The "ideal" sequence of planets: Mercury, Earth, Venus/Mars, Ceres ( being a big planet ), ( a smaller ) Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

And finally: I talked about a planet being in the region of asteroid belt. Such planet should be called Ceres, maybe with the size of Mars or bigger. It would be 1 more interesting world to explore, if such big planet existed... and maybe it would have moons, bigger versions of Vesta and Ida for example.

I'm thinking to make a big add-on of an alternative solar system. Such system will be somewhat similar to ours, but with some critical differences.

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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #2by t00fri » 01.05.2008, 16:38

I don't consider this a serious contribution to this "Physics and Astronomy" forum. It should go to Add ons or whatever...

In the past we have tried hard to strictly reserve this forum for scientifically based contributions rather than weired speculations and "personal theories".



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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #3by selden » 01.05.2008, 20:25

Moved to Addons.

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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #4by Enio » 01.05.2008, 21:23

This alternative solar system will be called Solaris. The "Earth" will have Waskn'Narax texture. ( see in the textures forum ). The "Moon" will be different and have few craters, because the surface is always changing by volcanism and tidal heating.

Mars will have a an earth-like texture. I'll do myself the green/blue Venus and Mars. Venus is in Mars place, and Mars orbit Venus. Maybe big Ceres will be arid like Mars, or may have oceans of water/ammonia.

I'll include a new planet. Such planet will have big lakes of sulfur and be colder than Venus, but hotter than Earth. It'll have a Mercury-like moon. I sad that Mercury should be closer to Earth. Here it is, as a moon orbiting a venus-like planet. Maybe I'll put a planet even closer to Solaris, being the hell home of Solaris.
Solaris will be a pair of stars orbiting close each other, one being a little more eccentric, colder and smaller than the other.

All planets and moons will have different names. So Earth will be called Waskn'Narax and so on.

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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #5by Hungry4info » 02.05.2008, 00:44

Enio, if you truly believe that the Earth should get new names, ask the IAU. If you want there to be another star in our solar system, the IAU can probably help you with that too XD.

Enio wrote:Maybe Jupiter should be smaller. It would continue to have it's moons. Being smaller, it wouldn't disrupt or destroy other planets near it,

By smaller, I am going to assume you mean less massive. If that is the case, then if Jupiter were less massive, then it's gravitational sphere of influence would diminish, and Jupiter would probably lose a few of those outer moons in that swarm of random irregular satellites.

Furthermore, Jupiter, as it is, doesn't disrupt or destroy other planets near it.

Enio wrote:Jupiter should have balloon creatures floating in it's atmosphere.
The Jovian environment isn't very supportive of life. There aren't a whole lot of complex chemicals around with which to construct and maintain life.
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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #6by bdm » 02.05.2008, 06:29

Enio wrote:In my point of view, the Solar System should be: ( maybe such type of system could exist )

The Sun should be a little colder. Being a bit colder and smaller, the Sun would stay in main sequence for more time and produce less ultraviolet. Maybe our Solar System should have 2 stars orbiting close each other, a K5V and M2V star, both stars would produce heat compared to our Sun, and Earth wouldn't need to orbit closer.
Having a cooler Sun has other advantages. Global warming would then be a good thing.

Enio wrote:Earth should have another name, like Wateria, Landia, I don't know. Our moon should be bigger and denser to have at least some atmosphere. Such bigger moon would have some volcanism and would be more interesting to explore, and maybe easier to colonize.
Let's suppose that the moon was the size of Mars with an atmosphere. A bigger moon will tidally lock the Earth faster, and would possibly have completed the tidal locking so Earth eternally faces one side to the Moon. Look at Pluto/Charon for an example of a system with highly-evolved tidal locking. If you want an Earthlike day then you would need to place the moon a lot closer, say 50,000 km away. No longer will the Moon be a light in the night sky, it will be a huge object in the sky nearly as big as your fist. At certain times of the year there will be two sunsets and two sunrises every day, with the Sun disappearing behind the Moon for up to half an hour every day. The sight of the moon in the sky with the sun behind it would be spectacular - a delicate orange ring in the darkling sky.

Enio wrote:For me, Venus should be at the same distance as Mars to the Sun, and Mars should orbit Venus. Venus would be colder, allowing life and the fact that Mars would be orbiting Venus would heat it's core, and so Mars would turn to have vulcanism again, being hotter and maybe also having magnetic field, because of the tidal heating caused by Venus.
Venus would also have some volcanism. It will also likely be a snowball world, with global glaciers. Life would have a hard time there, but would likely exist under the ice where the ocean beds vent the volcanic heat and keep it warm.

Enio wrote:Mercury should be closer to Earth to allow humans to go there and extract minerals. Let's see...
Mercury would also be rich in minerals, and it will be possible to mine it. This is the case now, except the gravity well takes some ingenuity to manoeuvre within. There's no real need to tweak Mercury, except to take it farther away from the Tattoine twin suns.

Enio wrote:Maybe Jupiter should be smaller. It would continue to have it's moons. Being smaller, it wouldn't disrupt or destroy other planets near it, and the asteroid belt would be a planet, maybe a big one, earth-sized or mars-sized. In my point of view, Jupiter mass should be between Uranus and Saturn. Jupiter should have balloon creatures floating in it's atmosphere. Europa should have ( maybe it really have ) an ocean under the icy crust, having many complex animals living there, and maybe aquatic intelligent beings. Not only Europa, but also other moons.
Jupiter would still disrupt the asteroid belt even if it was smaller. I would move it farther out instead, along with the other planets, to make room for a bigger world within the belt.

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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #7by Enio » 02.05.2008, 18:08

I decided to remove Jupiter because it'll cause problems to the asteroid belt. And also because I want a hotter Titan, so I have to move Saturn closer to Solaris. Saturn will be smaller, having a radius of 50000km to allow the formation in the asteroid belt, being at a distance of 6AU. But don't worry, Saturn will also have some or all Jupiter moons. Maybe Europa and Io were planets in the region of the asteroid belt and were captured by Jupiter. Without Jupiter, both would still be planets or moons of big Ceres. So big Ceres would have 2 moons.There's a theory that says that in the asteroid belt there was a planet that exploded by a huge impact, forming the belt. So in this case Jupiter didn't influenced in the formation of such planet. But not all pieces of such planet are in the belt. Most part was gone or collided in other planets, such as planet Mars and Jupiter moons.

I'll tell the history of planetary formation in Solaris:

1=> The star disk started it's formation.
2=> In the center of such disk 2 stars formed a dwarf orange and red star. (I'm still in doubt about the values, maybe K5V and M2V). Since the formation, both stars always orbited near each other.
3=> Protoplanets began to form.
4=> Many inner planets formed and still continue to exist.
5=> Gas giants captured many planets, being now moons. But some moons already orbited such giants.
6=> The present planets.

The planet "Earth" is bigger and formed in 1.25AU. Until now, it has a diameter of 8732 and a thick atmosphere with more carbon dioxyde. Due to the higher amount of carbon dioxyde, the air is blue/reddish, with most CO2 in troposphere. The thicker air and higher amount of CO2 compensate the higher distance from Solaris. The air is thicker and more humid, so less deserts. There are no polar caps since the difference of temperatures between latitudes is small due to the atmosphere. The average temperature in sea level is about 30°C in equator and 15°C on poles. Only high mountains have ice. Global warming won't be a big problem here, since there is few ice to melt and to raise ocean levels.

In Solaris, "Venus" and "Mars" formed in about the same region as Mars, and they captured each other and now form a stable binary system. I'm also planning to put "Phobos" and "Deimos" orbiting the pair. Both "Venus" and "Mars" will have liquid water and complex life.

The bigger Ceres may have a greenish/orange reducing atmosphere, maybe like Titan. It'll have ocean or small lakes of water/ammonia. As I sad, maybe Europa and Io will be moons.

I saw in Internet an image of hexagon in Saturn north pole. In Solaris, it's a huge spaceship. Such spaceship may also explain why the north pole is blue and the south pole not. Maybe a bigger Enceladus will be present, like Io, but I'm thinking to remove some of Saturn moons to put Ganymede and Callisto. Titan will be present and will also be more massive, this time having lot's of ethane oceans and much cold life. This "Titan" will also be denser, like Mars. "Ganymede" and "Callisto" will also be denser and will be as the modified Titan, having thick air. Iapetus will be a big spaceship.

Many dwarf planets in Kuiper Belt, including Pluto and Charon will orbit Uranus and Neptune. Maybe I'll fuse Neptune and Uranus in one more massive planet, with many moons and bigger rings.

One more thing to add: The Solaris original disk ( when planets were forming ) had a higher metallicity than the Sun's planetary disk, that allowed the formation of extra planets. A system with extra worlds to explore will be more interesting. And all planets and moons will have different (alien) names.

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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #8by zhar2 » 02.05.2008, 18:50

This does sound like an entirely different system, why not choose another star and make it there instead of modifying the solar system?

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Re: A better version of our Solar System

Post #9by Enio » 03.05.2008, 01:57

What I'm doing is not a system equal to Solar System, but an alternative version. Solaris is, yes, another system. It's in Andromeda galaxy and have 2 stars. But it has many similarities with our system, compared to all the extrasolar systems found. In my alternative Earth, called Waskn'Narax, some continents have a somewhat similar shape and position of our continents. Waskn'Narax moon would be like our Moon, but more massive with some air, many craters and active volcanoes. My alternative Mars, called Cydo'Nia will be similar to a blue Mars texture, but will have some differences. The same for Venus, called Cythe'Rea. And so on.

I'm using the maps of planets and moons of our solar system as a base to my add-on worlds!

How would be our system if Jupiter was absent and if Saturn was less massive and a bit closer to the Sun? The answer will be in my add-on.

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