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Prob with 'Guest jo's' Enceladus texture..

Posted: 28.07.2006, 12:41
by osmium
Hi there,

I downloaded & installed this texture successfully (as an alternate) & found the folder contains 2 textures...which is fine...but the second texture...with the bluer hues seems to not load &/or stops Celestia in its' tracks..with a crash....

has anybody else had this happen?



Posted: 28.07.2006, 14:15
by Johaen
I just downloaded it and tested it out. It took a good minute or so to load up, but it did eventually load for me.

Posted: 28.07.2006, 15:13
by selden

If you haven't already done so, you should download and install the most recent ATI graphics driver. This may help avoid the crash.

You also might want to consider converting those images to DDS. DDS files can be loaded directly into the graphics card. JPEG files have to be expanded and converted before they can be loaded into the card.

An 8K image requires 8192x4096x4 bytes per color x3 colors = 400 MB x2 while being expanded.

Posted: 30.07.2006, 09:47
by osmium
Thanks for the feedback :D

I was already there with the latest ATI drivers but I think you may have hit the mark with the fact that these are jpegs.

so ( thinking aloud) in order to convert these into DDS files is it just a matter of renaming them to DDS or do I need some kind if filter?



Posted: 30.07.2006, 12:54
by Johaen
osmium wrote:so ( thinking aloud) in order to convert these into DDS files is it just a matter of renaming them to DDS or do I need some kind if filter?

It unfortunatly is a bit more complex than changing the extension. :wink:

A little while ago I was having a similiar issue, and the only program I could get to work in converting files to .dds is The Compressonator. For more info and other ideas, check An FAQ on DDS files for Windows users.


Posted: 04.08.2006, 06:34
by John Van Vliet
hi as to converting to dds there is a photo shop plugin from the people at nivida , it my not work on a ati card ?
however there is a fee dl from microsoft that has the dds tools
it is a BIG dl though
name --- directx 9c sdk
there is a tool ( part of the instalition) for seeing thumnails of a dds in winexplorer
and a dds image viewer (DXViewer.exe)
also a dds converter( DxTex.exe,texconv.exe)

Posted: 04.08.2006, 11:38
by selden
The Nvidia DDS software doesn't know what kind of graphics card you're using. It just converts one file type to another. I assume both the ATI and Nvidia file convertors are used by the various gaming companies, for example.

Posted: 04.08.2006, 12:54
by osmium
Thanks to all for the informative feedback. :)

as far as I can ascertain then(here I go with my outloud thnking thing again :wink: ). jpegs are one of the universal formats for a digital image but DDS is a (compressed?) but still highly accurate and indeed desirable(for Celestians...see issues in this thread..0) & Celestia ( being the uniquely beautiful thing it is) able to read both...

I cannot commit the time at this point to converting these files for my own needs but the knowledge is very much appreciated..

Thanking you all
