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Blue Mars .DDS Files ?

Posted: 15.09.2002, 19:12
by Darkmiss
Does anyone have a nice quality DDS file of Blue Mars
that they would share with me ? Please....

Posted: 16.09.2002, 07:12
by Don. Edwards
I have been working on one on and off. Its almost complete but its not in the .dds format. I have in the form of a 2048x1024 .png file. I believe I still have an image of it on my iDisk.
If you like it I will put the zipped texture and bumpmap on my iDisk and you can download it from there. I was able to use it with a 32mb GeForce2 without it being compressed to a dds. If you want to convert it be my guest.

Posted: 16.09.2002, 14:37
by Darkmiss
Sounds good to me Don

And that looks great

Im still a bit new to this anyway
What is the best file type to use DDS, or PNG :?:

I know that JPG's take longer to load, but thats about it.

Posted: 17.09.2002, 03:46
by D.Edwards
DDS is a propriatory compresed image that was disgined by S3 as a way of shinking larger textures down to a more managible sizr for video cards. Celestia has the ability to do this comprsion on the fly so a .dds file realy inst needed. The .png image format is by far the best compressed image format. Although it not as compressed as .jpg it doeas give better images. If you do search of the site and look up the topic texture comprsion you should be able to see how to iplement.

Posted: 17.09.2002, 23:45
by billybob884
where did you get this?

Posted: 18.09.2002, 04:05
by Don. Edwards
Sorry for the delay. I was setting up a new hard drive and inadvertantly formated my main drive. Needless to say I LOST EVERYTING I was working on. All my new textures from LunarCell are gone as is my newest version of blue Mars. I was just ready to burn it all for safe keeping too.
Oh well it happens. The site for the blue mars texture is at
You will have to download the textures and put them together as you see fit. Be forwarned that the specmap for the martian seas does not take into account for all the water filled craters. Thats what I was working on. Lucky for me I do have an older copy backed up so I can start to work on it soon from an earlier point. As for my lost LunarCell textures I am going to have to start from stratch. I even lost my updated HD 28185 system and it was looking so sweet with the goodies in Celestia 1.2.5.
Well back to wocrk for me and I won't be keeping any more of my textures on my C:\ drive anymore. Just in case I brain fart again.

Blue Mars .DDS Files ?

Posted: 18.09.2002, 06:09
by erostosthenes
how exactly do you combine the specular map with the texture map? when i look at the earth texture as an example in photoshop, i see only the specular map of the ocean, and the continents are missing (see the checkered background) but the land shows up fine in celestia, so i'm thoroughly confused how this specular map thing works.

Posted: 18.09.2002, 06:21
by Rassilon
D.Edwards wrote:DDS is a propriatory compresed image that was disgined by S3 as a way of shinking larger textures down to a more managible sizr for video cards. Celestia has the ability to do this comprsion on the fly so a .dds file realy inst needed. The .png image format is by far the best compressed image format. Although it not as compressed as .jpg it doeas give better images. If you do search of the site and look up the topic texture comprsion you should be able to see how to iplement.

You know Don now that Ive been messing with dxt compression...It looks just as good as a PNG file and loads almost 2 times faster....and isnt hard to compile one...Ought to give it a shot...You will be pleasently suprised....One drawback...size...tho really its not too much to worry about...