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Posted: 12.02.2006, 20:16
by barbarossa2
I have successfully modded and installed several alternate textures for my solar system bodies, including night and cloud textures (yes, I did the highly unrecommended modification of my solarsys data file...but I am trying to teach myself how that file works...and I am not going to invest heavily in modding it).

I would like to begin downloading and perhaps mod "normal" maps.


1. Where are these files stored to be called up (I don't believe there were any normal maps in the standard Celestia download, which is why I am confused)? Are they to be installed in the medres, lores, and hires file?

2. How are they called up in the solarsys file? Is it the standard

Texture "mars.*"



Posted: 12.02.2006, 21:06
by selden
To use a Normal map, you have to insert a line saying

NormalMap "normal-file-name.*"

and remove any BumpMap declaration.

If there's only one, it should go in a medres folder. If there are several, with different resolutions, then they can be put in lores, medres and hires as appropriate.

A "normal map" is a map of surface normal vectors, which specifies what directions the pixels of a model's surface are facing. It does not mean "ordinary map".

Posted: 12.02.2006, 22:55
by barbarossa2

And what about DDS maps?

Same thing?


Posted: 13.02.2006, 03:22
by selden
DDS is another image format, like JPG and PNG. It's not a "map".