Thanks for all the suggestions: I must comment some things.
First of all, I am not a 3D model or texture-maker expert my knowledge is quite limited ( these are the first 3d model and texture I have ever make in all my life ) but my physics and astronomy knowledge are much better.
Second one abut the gravitational redshift. I had made a table to see the effect on very hot blue gas in the proximities of the Blach Hole and this is the result:
Dist. Redshift lambda Color
infinite 0.0 4800 A Blue
10R 0.05 5040 A Blue-Green
8R 0.07 5136 A Green
3R 0.15 5520 A Yellow
2R 0.41 6768 A Red
1.5R 0.73 8304 A Infrared
1.1R 2.32 15936 A Invisible
1.01R 30.25 150000 A Invisible
So my model is incorrect,
the pattern in the disk must be from outer to inner: red-white-blue-green-yellow-red-black
I can fix this, but maybe the Black Hole will not improve its "beauty" but its reality.
Third one about the polar jets. These jets are much more common in the central galaxies Black Holes when these are actives (are surrounded by a lot of gas) and only if there is a strong magnetic field (the gas escapes trough the magnetic field lines) producing very long bright gas jets. maybe star size black holes could have jets but I think (only think) this is not the most comoon think.
But I will work in the jets in the future, I am doing a neutron-star model so I can use the neutron star beams for the BH
Fourth and last one. I am doing the planet generator chart now so I have not very much time to the next version of the BH for the moment but I will pass the next week the work about the texture to my girlfriend (she is a graphic designer and will do a better job than me)
Thanks all for the suggestions.