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Preview: Fictional 2K Textures for 4 large KBOs

Posted: 07.08.2005, 07:34
by Michael Kilderry

I have created 4 2K textures for the Trans-Neptunians Orcus, Ixion, Varuna and 2002 AW197 over the past few days, including 2k bump maps and specular textures for each of the objects. I'm planning on uploading these to the Celestia Motherlode when I get the chance.

Here's what they look like in Celestia, (click on the images to enlarge):

2002 AW197:




Any comments?

- Michael

Posted: 08.08.2005, 01:21
by Planet X
Those are some interesting textures, Michael. Add a bit more red to the bottom texture, and you would have a fine Sedna texture. Also, you should do one for 2003 UB313. Later!


Posted: 08.08.2005, 05:53
by Michael Kilderry
2003 UB313 is actually the next one I'm planning on making a texture for, I want to make textures for the two other Trans-Neptunians that have been discovered recently as well. :D

I'm not going to make textures for Sedna or Quaoar though, as these have already been created by other people, and there's no use in doubling up when there's so many of these minor planets to make textures for :)

My favourites would have to be Ixion and Orcus, they both turned out really well. Ixion looks just like I planned it and Orcus looks Plutonian in appearance, as you would expect from such an object. ;)


Re: Preview: Fictional 2K Textures for 4 large KBOs

Posted: 08.08.2005, 13:27
by danielj
They are very nice,Michael,but it is a pity that only after 2020 we will have a probe visiting some of them.Maybe before that,a new giant telescope can give us a glimpse of theirs surfaces(at least an albedo map or maybe something slightly better).
Anyway,the next world we will know if the teoretical textures are OK,will be Ceres,in 2014.

Michael Kilderry wrote:Hello,

I have created 4 2K textures for the Trans-Neptunians Orcus, Ixion, Varuna and 2002 AW197 over the past few days, including 2k bump maps and specular textures for each of the objects. I'm planning on uploading these to the Celestia Motherlode when I get the chance.

Here's what they look like in Celestia, (click on the images to enlarge):

2002 AW197:




Any comments?

- Michael

Posted: 08.08.2005, 23:19
by Planet X
Michael Kilderry wrote:2003 UB313 is actually the next one I'm planning on making a texture for, I want to make textures for the two other Trans-Neptunians that have been discovered recently as well. :D

I'm not going to make textures for Sedna or Quaoar though, as these have already been created by other people, and there's no use in doubling up when there's so many of these minor planets to make textures for :)

My favourites would have to be Ixion and Orcus, they both turned out really well. Ixion looks just like I planned it and Orcus looks Plutonian in appearance, as you would expect from such an object. ;)


I'll keep an eye out for the 2003 UB313 texture, Michael. Actually, the Sedna texture out there has too much white ice on it (looks too much like an ice-age Mars, IMO). If I find time, I'll do one myself that better reflects Sedna's red color.

At any rate, I'm currently using a somewhat brightened up and desaturated Charon texture for 2003 UB313. I'm sure the texture you create will be mucho better than that. Later!


Posted: 09.08.2005, 07:09
by Michael Kilderry
Thank you for your comments,

danielj wrote:Maybe before that,a new giant telescope can give us a glimpse of theirs surfaces(at least an albedo map or maybe something slightly better).

I thought we already had the technology to make albedo maps from some of the largest kuiper belt objects at least, after all they did manage to make one for Pluto's moon Charon which is a little bit smaller. :?


Posted: 09.08.2005, 07:51
by Don. Edwards
Yah, but Charon is closer than the others.


Posted: 09.08.2005, 10:26
by selden
The albedo maps of Charon and Pluto were created by watching the change in light level as Pluto and Charon eclipsed one another as seen from Earth.

Most of the others don't have moons, so this technique can't work for them.

Posted: 09.08.2005, 18:17
by t00fri
selden wrote:The albedo maps of Charon and Pluto were created by watching the change in light level as Pluto and Charon eclipsed one another as seen from Earth.

Most of the others don't have moons, so this technique can't work for them.

Right ;-)

Bye Fridger

Posted: 21.08.2005, 01:08
by Planet X
I've created a texture sort of based on the Sedna texture for 2003 UB313. Unlike the Sedna texture, however, the polar regions are brighter. Also, I took away the color to approximate the gray color that 2003 UB313 reportedly is. Now, if only the motherload would accept it....

Here's a preview of my version of 2003 UB313:
Image Image



Posted: 21.08.2005, 01:49
by Michael Kilderry
That looks pretty good so far, you might want to add a slight bit of colour to it though, even if it is supposed to be grey just to make it look a little bit more interesting.

Posted: 21.08.2005, 14:41
by Planet X
Michael, two questions:

First, what color would you suggest for the 2003 UB313 texture? The spectrum shows no reds whatsoever.

Second, when will your textures for the other four big KBO's be released? Later!


Posted: 23.08.2005, 10:28
by Michael Kilderry
For the 2003 UB313 texture, you could possibly add slight tinges of a few different colours, possibly blues, browns, sandy colours etc.

The 4 kbo textures may take a bit to be released as I need to catch up on all my other addons that I haven't released yet, so even if it doesn't become available for a period of time there will be other things from me to look at in the meantime.

Posted: 13.09.2005, 19:11
by Ynjevi
selden wrote:The albedo maps of Charon and Pluto were created by watching the change in light level as Pluto and Charon eclipsed one another as seen from Earth.

Most of the others don't have moons, so this technique can't work for them.

2003 EL61 and its moon mutually eclipsed each other in 1999. Next time this happens in 2138, bummer.

Posted: 14.09.2005, 16:59
by alphap1us
These textures look really nice. Are you going to submit them soon?


Posted: 15.09.2005, 10:27
by Michael Kilderry

I would have submitted them to the Celestia Motherlode earlier, but I've had other addons I've been working on and I haven't been able to find the time, but I'm on a 2 week holiday from school now so maybe I'll get the chance to upload them soon.