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Making Planet textures with PlanetGen - Clonebrush?

Posted: 25.05.2005, 06:45
by firlefanz

I just found this topic here:

I found eburacum45 wrote he made some planet textures using PlanetGen and a 'clonebrush'. I took a look and the textures look very nice.

Can somebody describe me what a 'clonebrush' is (I am German), I don't have Photoshop or something, only the GIMP. Or can somebody tell me how to make PlanetGen textures look more realistic or smoother, I like them, but they are so 'hard'.

I need some nice Planet Textures but don't have Photoshop or Paintshop.

Thanks a lot.


Posted: 25.05.2005, 14:01
by eburacum45
There is a clonebrush in the Gimp; you use is to copy one part of a picture to another.

I generally use Imageforge which is also free; you can clone one texture on to another, and that is probably the best way to do this. Get an Earth texture or orbital photograph and clone from it on to the Planetgen image, following the contours as required.

One good tip is to increase the size of the texture to the biggest size you can handle, and work with it at a larger scale; this allows a lot more control (then you can resize it smaller again when you are finished).

Posted: 25.05.2005, 14:06
by firlefanz
Aha, now I understood. Too bad it sounds like a lot of work,
if I have to clone and redraw most of my image, because I need plenty of them.

But thanks a lot for this hint, I'll think about it. :D


Posted: 25.05.2005, 19:41
by eburacum45
How many do you want? What project are you working on that needs a lot of planet textures quickly?

Posted: 25.05.2005, 23:15
by diabloblanco17
All of the textures on my site are free for you to download.

Posted: 26.05.2005, 08:45
by firlefanz

@eburacum45: I don't need them quick. I have myself made some with Planetgen, they don't look bad but the stuff I saw here is much better. I need 10-30 Planet textures, and some space background textures.

My project is a 1-4 player space shooter with 3d cinematics, project page is here:

We are a group of hobby game developers and I know and like celestia and this forum, there is a lot of great stuff here.

@diabloblanco17: Some of those textures are great. On all textures there is a copyright sign. I only use textures that are not my own with the permission of the author. Great site!


Posted: 26.05.2005, 19:28
by diabloblanco17
They're all mine, and permission is given on the main page of my site. Just go to the Downloads section to get the .zip files.

Posted: 29.05.2005, 07:37
by firlefanz
Hello diabloblanco17,

I downloaded some of your textures, I like the Dantooine Texture very much. :D
Too bad the other textures all look like from planets that cannot carry life. :?

May I ask you how you made them? The Dantooine texture is perfect for me, it also has a bumpmap, this is exactly what I would need, but just plenty of textures like this one more. :wink:


Posted: 30.05.2005, 00:14
by diabloblanco17
There's one other terrestrial map on my page, Quess. I've actually made several more, but all of them were exclusive contracts with individuals who wanted them for independent films.

As to how I do them, it's all explained in the tutorial on my site, in the Planets section.

Posted: 30.05.2005, 00:38
by selden

Unfortunately, I find your site unusable :(
The dark red lettering is almost unreadable for me, and I don't use Internet Explorer: it has too many security problems.

Posted: 30.05.2005, 06:13
by firlefanz
Hello Diablo,

too bad I don't have 3dmax or photoshop.
I have to do this with free software like planetgen and the gimp.
I already knew that tutorial, too bad, but thanks a lot for the info.

I'll let you know if I want to use one or two of your textures, but I am afraid they do not match with the other ones (look too good). :wink:

Your site displayed fine for me, using Internet Explorer.
