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Vesta maps

Posted: 12.11.2004, 15:30
by Ton Lindemann

I found and prepared some Vesta textures from the HST. Available are:


Here I need some help. As a new user I'm not familair with Celestia. I can't display them with vesta_altmaps.ssc

AltSurface "Topography" "sol/vesta"
Texture "vesta-topo.*"

Maybe totaly wrong, but can anybody tell me how to set the .ssc file?

I found that my photo-editor isn't able to create .png-files with a transparant layer. Should the lok-mask files with .gif and a transparant layer work too? Gif is 8 kb color dept and .png 24 kb.

I intend to publish the results to the motherlode.

Thanks for help,

Ton Lindemann

Re: Vesta maps

Posted: 12.11.2004, 16:02
by selden
Ton Lindemann wrote:Hello,

I found and prepared some Vesta textures from the HST. Available are:


Here I need some help. As a new user I'm not familair with Celestia. I can't display them with vesta_altmaps.ssc

AltSurface "Topography" "sol/vesta"
Texture "vesta-topo.*"

Maybe totaly wrong, but can anybody tell me how to set the .ssc file?
Your ssc file looks OK, although you should get into the habit of always using the correct capitalization: "sol/vesta" should be "Sol/Vesta". The correct capitalization is especially important for image file names. Linux systems require that the filename be exactly the same in a Catalog or 3D model as it is on disk.

Check to make sure your texture images are the correct size. They must be a power of two on a side: e.g. 1024x512.

Type a "~" (tilde) to turn on Celestia's console log. It may have some useful error messages. (You may need to type a space after the tilde.)

I found that my photo-editor isn't able to create .png-files with a transparant layer. Should the lok-mask files with .gif and a transparant layer work too? Gif is 8 kb color dept and .png 24 kb.
Sorry, no, GIF is not supported.

I use NetPBM and ImageMagick to combine pictures to create image files that contain Alpha channels. Both packages are freeware and available for all platforms: Windows, Mac and Unix/Linux. See and

I intend to publish the results to the motherlode.


Posted: 12.11.2004, 20:11
by Ton Lindemann

Thanks, I installed image magick and need to study the commandline options first.


Ton Lindemann